Collaboration program and contribution of translations to Filo and related. Here you'll find the final translations and source files for the translations.
WARNING: Currently the Website and Wiki translation program is on hold due to the need for a transition to Crowdin. In the meantime we won't accept new translations in both projects.
Currently our translation program requires you to have a Crowdin account, as it's the main platform we use to manage translations.
Crowdin is a platform that we started to use at the beginning of August 2021 in order to facilitate the translation of Filo and related.
This repository has two objectives:
- Serve the translation files for Filo and related.
- Expose the source files of the translations.
No need to request access or anything like that, just register with Crowdin and access our project, and voila!
If you actively participate in the Filobot translation program, you'll receive a badge along with an exclusive role on our Discord server.
If you are interested in the idea of being a Proofreader of a specific language, don't hesitate to let us know on our Discord server.