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jackson-paul committed Jul 9, 2020
2 parents 5e91a44 + 3c04bcf commit 22c1da6
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Showing 13 changed files with 269 additions and 47 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -187,33 +187,35 @@ extends ColumnStore with CassandraChunkSource with StrictLogging {
* handle this case.
// scalastyle:off parameter.number
def getChunksByIngestionTimeRange(datasetRef: DatasetRef,
splits: Iterator[ScanSplit],
ingestionTimeStart: Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: Long,
userTimeStart: Long,
endTimeExclusive: Long,
maxChunkTime: Long,
batchSize: Int,
batchTime: FiniteDuration): Observable[Seq[RawPartData]] = {
val partKeys = Observable.fromIterator(splits).flatMap {
def getChunksByIngestionTimeRangeNoAsync(datasetRef: DatasetRef,
splits: Iterator[ScanSplit],
ingestionTimeStart: Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: Long,
userTimeStart: Long,
endTimeExclusive: Long,
maxChunkTime: Long,
batchSize: Int): Iterator[Seq[RawPartData]] = {
val partKeys = splits.flatMap {
case split: CassandraTokenRangeSplit =>
val indexTable = getOrCreateIngestionTimeIndexTable(datasetRef)
logger.debug(s"Querying cassandra for partKeys for split=$split ingestionTimeStart=$ingestionTimeStart " +
indexTable.scanPartKeysByIngestionTime(split.tokens, ingestionTimeStart, ingestionTimeEnd)
indexTable.scanPartKeysByIngestionTimeNoAsync(split.tokens, ingestionTimeStart, ingestionTimeEnd)
case split => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unknown split type $split seen")

import filodb.core.Iterators._

val chunksTable = getOrCreateChunkTable(datasetRef)
partKeys.bufferTimedAndCounted(batchTime, batchSize).map { parts =>
partKeys.sliding(batchSize, batchSize).map { parts =>
logger.debug(s"Querying cassandra for chunks from ${parts.size} partitions userTimeStart=$userTimeStart " +
s"endTimeExclusive=$endTimeExclusive maxChunkTime=$maxChunkTime")
// TODO evaluate if we can increase parallelism here. This needs to be tuneable
// based on how much faster downsampling should run, and how much additional read load cassandra can take.
chunksTable.readRawPartitionRangeBB(parts, userTimeStart - maxChunkTime, endTimeExclusive).toIterator().toSeq
// This could be more parallel, but decision was made to control parallelism at one place: In spark (via its
// parallelism configuration. Revisit if needed later.
val batchReadSpan = Kamon.spanBuilder("cassandra-per-batch-data-read-latency").start()
try {
chunksTable.readRawPartitionRangeBBNoAsync(parts, userTimeStart - maxChunkTime, endTimeExclusive)
} finally {

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

import com.datastax.driver.core.{ConsistencyLevel, ResultSet, Row}
import monix.reactive.Observable

import filodb.cassandra.FiloCassandraConnector
import filodb.core._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,10 +100,10 @@ sealed class IngestionTimeIndexTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,

def scanPartKeysByIngestionTime(tokens: Seq[(String, String)],
ingestionTimeStart: Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: Long): Observable[ByteBuffer] = {
val it = tokens.iterator.flatMap { case (start, end) =>
def scanPartKeysByIngestionTimeNoAsync(tokens: Seq[(String, String)],
ingestionTimeStart: Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: Long): Iterator[ByteBuffer] = {
tokens.iterator.flatMap { case (start, end) =>
* FIXME conversion of tokens to Long works only for Murmur3Partitioner because it generates
* Long based tokens. If other partitioners are used, this can potentially break.
Expand All @@ -114,10 +113,8 @@ sealed class IngestionTimeIndexTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
end.toLong: java.lang.Long,
ingestionTimeStart: java.lang.Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: java.lang.Long)
.map { row => row.getBytes("partition") }
session.execute(stmt) { row => row.getBytes("partition") }.toSet.iterator

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Expand Up @@ -205,6 +205,23 @@ sealed class TimeSeriesChunksTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
} yield rpd

* Not an async call - limit number of partitions queried at a time
def readRawPartitionRangeBBNoAsync(partitions: Seq[ByteBuffer],
startTime: Long,
endTimeExclusive: Long): Seq[RawPartData] = {
val query = readChunkRangeCql.bind().setList(0, partitions.asJava, classOf[ByteBuffer])
.setLong(1, chunkID(startTime, 0))
.setLong(2, chunkID(endTimeExclusive, 0))
.map { row => (row.getBytes(0), chunkSetFromRow(row, 1)) }
.map { case (partKeyBuffer, chunkSetIt) =>

def scanPartitionsBySplit(tokens: Seq[(String, String)]): Observable[RawPartData] = {

val res: Observable[Future[Iterator[RawPartData]]] = Observable.fromIterable(tokens).map { case (start, end) =>
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import filodb.core._
import filodb.core.binaryrecord2.RecordBuilder
import filodb.core.metadata.{Dataset, Schemas}
import{ChunkSet, ChunkSetInfo, ColumnStoreSpec, PartKeyRecord}
import filodb.memory.BinaryRegionLarge
import filodb.memory.format.UnsafeUtils
import filodb.memory.{BinaryRegionLarge, NativeMemoryManager}
import filodb.memory.format.{TupleRowReader, UnsafeUtils}
import filodb.memory.format.ZeroCopyUTF8String._

class CassandraColumnStoreSpec extends ColumnStoreSpec {
Expand All @@ -27,6 +27,21 @@ class CassandraColumnStoreSpec extends ColumnStoreSpec {
lazy val colStore = new CassandraColumnStore(config, s, session)
lazy val metaStore = new CassandraMetaStore(config.getConfig("cassandra"), session)

val nativeMemoryManager = new NativeMemoryManager(100000000L, Map.empty)
val promDataset = Dataset("prometheus", Schemas.gauge)

// First create the tables in C*
override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
colStore.initialize(promDataset.ref, 1).futureValue
colStore.truncate(promDataset.ref, 1).futureValue

override def afterAll(): Unit = {

"getScanSplits" should "return splits from Cassandra" in {
// Single split, token_start should equal token_end
val singleSplits = colStore.getScanSplits(dataset.ref).asInstanceOf[Seq[CassandraTokenRangeSplit]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,4 +239,39 @@ class CassandraColumnStoreSpec extends ColumnStoreSpec {
parts(0).chunkSetsTimeOrdered should have length (1)
parts(0).chunkSetsTimeOrdered(0).vectors.toSeq shouldEqual sourceChunks.head.chunks

"getChunksByIngestionTimeRangeNoAsync" should "batch partitions properly" in {

val gaugeName = "my_gauge"
val seriesTags = Map("_ws_".utf8 -> "my_ws".utf8)
val firstSampleTime = 74373042000L
val partBuilder = new RecordBuilder(nativeMemoryManager)
val ingestTime = 1594130687316L
val chunksets = for {
i <- 0 until 1050
partKey = partBuilder.partKeyFromObjects(Schemas.gauge, gaugeName + i, seriesTags)
c <- 0 until 3
} yield {
val rows = Seq(TupleRowReader((Some(firstSampleTime + c), Some(0.0d))))
ChunkSet(, partKey, ingestTime, rows, nativeMemoryManager)
colStore.write(promDataset.ref, Observable.fromIterable(chunksets)).futureValue

val batches = colStore.getChunksByIngestionTimeRangeNoAsync(
ingestTime - 1,
ingestTime + 1,
firstSampleTime - 1,
firstSampleTime + 5,

batches.size shouldEqual 11 // 100 rows per batch, 1050 rows => 11 batches
batches.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (b, i) =>
b.size shouldEqual (if (i == 10) 50 else 100)
b.foreach(_.chunkSetsTimeOrdered.size shouldEqual 3)
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions core/src/main/resources/filodb-defaults.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,6 +150,12 @@ filodb {
# Maximum number of samples to return in a query
sample-limit = 1000000

# Binary Join Cardinality limit
join-cardinality-limit = 25000

# Group by Cardinality limit
group-by-cardinality-limit = 1000

# Minimum step required for a query
min-step = 5 seconds

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,10 +239,7 @@ filodb {
# cass-session-provider-fqcn = fqcn

# Number of time series to operate on at one time. Reduce if there is much less memory available
cass-write-batch-size = 10000

# Maximum time to wait during cassandra reads to form a batch of partitions to downsample
cass-write-batch-time = 3s
cass-write-batch-size = 250

# amount of parallelism to introduce in the spark job. This controls number of spark partitions
# increase if the number of splits seen in cassandra reads is low and spark jobs are slow.
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/scala/filodb.core/query/QueryContext.scala
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ final case class QueryContext(origQueryParams: TsdbQueryParams = UnavailableProm
spreadOverride: Option[SpreadProvider] = None,
queryTimeoutMillis: Int = 30000,
sampleLimit: Int = 1000000,
groupByCardLimit: Int = 100000,
joinQueryCardLimit: Int = 100000,
shardOverrides: Option[Seq[Int]] = None,
queryId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString,
submitTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis())
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions http/src/main/scala/filodb/http/HttpSettings.scala
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Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ class HttpSettings(config: Config, val filoSettings: FilodbSettings) {
lazy val queryDefaultSpread = config.getInt("filodb.spread-default")
lazy val querySampleLimit = config.getInt("filodb.query.sample-limit")
lazy val queryAskTimeout =[FiniteDuration]("filodb.query.ask-timeout")
lazy val queryBinaryJoinCardLimit = config.getInt("filodb.query.join-cardinality-limit")
lazy val queryGroupByCardLimit = config.getInt("")
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions query/src/main/scala/filodb/query/exec/AggrOverRangeVectors.scala
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ final case class ReduceAggregateExec(queryContext: QueryContext,
val task = for { schema <- firstSchema }
yield {
val aggregator = RowAggregator(aggrOp, aggrParams, schema)
RangeVectorAggregator.mapReduce(aggregator, skipMapPhase = true, results, rv => rv.key)
RangeVectorAggregator.mapReduce(aggregator, skipMapPhase = true, results, rv => rv.key,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,10 +77,12 @@ final case class AggregateMapReduce(aggrOp: AggregationOperator,
sourceSchema.fixedVectorLen.filter(_ <= querySession.queryConfig.fastReduceMaxWindows).map { numWindows =>
RangeVectorAggregator.fastReduce(aggregator, false, source, numWindows)
}.getOrElse {
RangeVectorAggregator.mapReduce(aggregator, skipMapPhase = false, source, grouping)
RangeVectorAggregator.mapReduce(aggregator, skipMapPhase = false, source, grouping,
} else {
RangeVectorAggregator.mapReduce(aggregator, skipMapPhase = false, source, grouping)
RangeVectorAggregator.mapReduce(aggregator, skipMapPhase = false, source, grouping,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,11 +135,17 @@ object RangeVectorAggregator extends StrictLogging {
def mapReduce(rowAgg: RowAggregator,
skipMapPhase: Boolean,
source: Observable[RangeVector],
grouping: RangeVector => RangeVectorKey): Observable[RangeVector] = {
grouping: RangeVector => RangeVectorKey,
cardinalityLimit: Int = Int.MaxValue): Observable[RangeVector] = {
// reduce the range vectors using the foldLeft construct. This results in one aggregate per group.
val task = { rvs =>
// now reduce each group and create one result range vector per group
val groupedResult = mapReduceInternal(rvs, rowAgg, skipMapPhase, grouping)

// if group-by cardinality breaches the limit, throw exception
if (groupedResult.size > cardinalityLimit)
throw new BadQueryException(s"This query results in more than $cardinalityLimit group-by cardinality limit. " +
s"Try applying more filters") { case (rvk, aggHolder) =>
val rowIterator = new CustomCloseCursor(
IteratorBackedRangeVector(rvk, rowIterator)
Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions query/src/main/scala/filodb/query/exec/BinaryJoinExec.scala
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Expand Up @@ -61,10 +61,15 @@ final case class BinaryJoinExec(queryContext: QueryContext,

protected def args: String = s"binaryOp=$binaryOp, on=$on, ignoring=$ignoring"

//scalastyle:off method.length
protected[exec] def compose(childResponses: Observable[(QueryResponse, Int)],
firstSchema: Task[ResultSchema],
querySession: QuerySession): Observable[RangeVector] = {
val taskOfResults = {
case (QueryResult(_, _, result), _)
if (result.size > queryContext.joinQueryCardLimit && cardinality == Cardinality.OneToOne) =>
throw new BadQueryException(s"This query results in more than ${queryContext.joinQueryCardLimit} " +
s"join cardinality. Try applying more filters.")
case (QueryResult(_, _, result), i) => (result, i)
case (QueryError(_, ex), _) => throw ex
} { resp =>
Expand All @@ -73,12 +78,10 @@ final case class BinaryJoinExec(queryContext: QueryContext,
// require(resp.size == lhs.size + rhs.size, "Did not get sufficient responses for LHS and RHS")
val lhsRvs = resp.filter(_._2 < lhs.size).flatMap(_._1)
val rhsRvs = resp.filter(_._2 >= lhs.size).flatMap(_._1)

// figure out which side is the "one" side
val (oneSide, otherSide, lhsIsOneSide) =
if (cardinality == Cardinality.OneToMany) (lhsRvs, rhsRvs, true)
else (rhsRvs, lhsRvs, false)

// load "one" side keys in a hashmap
val oneSideMap = new mutable.HashMap[Map[Utf8Str, Utf8Str], RangeVector]()
oneSide.foreach { rv =>
Expand All @@ -90,7 +93,6 @@ final case class BinaryJoinExec(queryContext: QueryContext,
oneSideMap.put(jk, rv)

// keep a hashset of result range vector keys to help ensure uniqueness of result range vectors
val resultKeySet = new mutable.HashSet[RangeVectorKey]()
// iterate across the the "other" side which could be one or many and perform the binary operation
Expand All @@ -102,6 +104,12 @@ final case class BinaryJoinExec(queryContext: QueryContext,
throw new BadQueryException(s"Non-unique result vectors found for $resKey. " +
s"Use grouping to create unique matching")

// OneToOne cardinality case is already handled. this condition handles OneToMany case
if (resultKeySet.size > queryContext.joinQueryCardLimit)
throw new BadQueryException(s"This query results in more than ${queryContext.joinQueryCardLimit} " +
s"join cardinality. Try applying more filters.")

val res = if (lhsIsOneSide) binOp(rvOne.rows, rvOther.rows) else binOp(rvOther.rows, rvOne.rows)
IteratorBackedRangeVector(resKey, res)
Expand Down
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions query/src/test/scala/filodb/query/exec/BinaryJoinExecSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import
import monix.reactive.Observable
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException

import filodb.core.metadata.Column.ColumnType
import filodb.core.query._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,4 +359,53 @@ class BinaryJoinExecSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures { shouldEqual 200

it("should throw BadQueryException - one-to-one with ignoring - cardinality limit 1") {
val queryContext = QueryContext(joinQueryCardLimit = 1) // set join card limit to 1
val execPlan = BinaryJoinExec(queryContext, dummyDispatcher,
Array(dummyPlan), // cannot be empty as some compose's rely on the schema
new Array[ExecPlan](1), // empty since we test compose, not execute or doExecute
Nil, Seq("tag2"), Nil, "__name__")

// scalastyle:off
val lhs = QueryResult("someId", null, => SerializedRangeVector(rv, schema)))
// val lhs = QueryResult("someId", null, samplesLhs.filter(rv => rv.key.labelValues.get(ZeroCopyUTF8String("tag2")).get.equals("tag1-1")).map(rv => SerializedRangeVector(rv, schema)))
val rhs = QueryResult("someId", null, => SerializedRangeVector(rv, schema)))
// scalastyle:on

// actual query results into 2 rows. since limit is 1, this results in BadQueryException
val thrown = intercept[TestFailedException] {
execPlan.compose(Observable.fromIterable(Seq((rhs, 1), (lhs, 0))), tvSchemaTask, querySession)
thrown.getCause.getClass shouldEqual classOf[BadQueryException]
thrown.getCause.getMessage shouldEqual "This query results in more than 1 join cardinality." +
" Try applying more filters."

it("should throw BadQueryException - one-to-one with on - cardinality limit 1") {
val queryContext = QueryContext(joinQueryCardLimit = 1) // set join card limit to 1
val execPlan = BinaryJoinExec(queryContext, dummyDispatcher,
Array(dummyPlan), // cannot be empty as some compose's rely on the schema
new Array[ExecPlan](1), // empty since we test compose, not execute or doExecute
Seq("tag1", "job"), Nil, Nil, "__name__")

// scalastyle:off
val lhs = QueryResult("someId", null, => SerializedRangeVector(rv, schema)))
val rhs = QueryResult("someId", null, => SerializedRangeVector(rv, schema)))
// scalastyle:on

// actual query results into 2 rows. since limit is 1, this results in BadQueryException
val thrown = intercept[TestFailedException] {
execPlan.compose(Observable.fromIterable(Seq((rhs, 1), (lhs, 0))), tvSchemaTask, querySession)
thrown.getCause.getClass shouldEqual classOf[BadQueryException]
thrown.getCause.getMessage shouldEqual "This query results in more than 1 join cardinality." +
" Try applying more filters."

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