{ "content": "Sample content", "frequency": 4, "pinyin": "pinyin", "translation": "translation", "example": "example sentence", "example_translation": "example translation", "usage_notes": "usage notes" }
Response should include:
- Content
- Frequency (0-5)
- Pinyin
- Translation
- Example sentence
- Example translation
- Usage notes
ollama create aya_flashcards -f ./Modelfile
This project is a language learning application focused on creating and managing flashcards. The backend is powered by Django, the frontend is built with React, and we use PostgreSQL for the database. For generating flashcards, we integrate the Ollama Aya model via Docker.
- User Authentication: Manage user profiles and authentication.
- Flashcard Management: Create, view, and manage flashcards.
- AI-Powered Flashcard Generation: Use the Ollama Aya model to generate structured flashcards.
- Text-to-Speech Functionality: Read flashcards aloud.
- Scalable Deployment: Utilize Docker and Docker Swarm for easy deployment and scalability.
- Python 3.x
- Node.js and npm
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Pipenv
git clone https://github.com/your-repo/language-learning-app.git
cd language-learning-app
### Step 2: Set Up the Backend