For now just a 10cm side cube of gas surrounded by 1cm of Aluminum
The entrance side has a 1.05cm diameter hole for entrance
In the hole is supposed to be placed a MCP plate https://tectra.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/MCP.pdf
- Geometry is implemented but commented since it crashed the graphics
Getting primary energy of gamma and deposited energy in the gas, also other stuff but this is needed for efficiency
cut on the particles is in GasBoxSensitiveDetector (i.e. saving only e-)
cut of contained events is in ConvertFrDigi ( not yet implemtned)
containment boolean in Reco.c is wrong
- root -l 'RecoTrack.C("output_t0.root")'
- root elab_output_t0.root
- TTree* tree = (TTree*)_file0->Get("elabHits");
- tree->Draw("EDep>>histName(250, 0.001, 0.06)", "(EDep < 0.06 && EDep > 0.001) && (ParticleName == "e-" || ParticleName == "gamma")")
- g++ -o convert ConvertForDigi.cpp
root-config --cflags --libs
- in analysis/ folder
- condition for seen photon:
(df["BoolInteracted"]==1) & (df["primaryHits"]==1 ) & (df["energyDeposit"]>df["primaryEnergy"]-epsilon)& (df["energyDeposit"]<=df["primaryEnergy"])
- espsilon usually 200eV