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Developer Commit Guidelines

Randy McDermott edited this page Aug 12, 2015 · 34 revisions

This is a set of best practices guidelines for FDS code developers.


As the FDS developer team grows it is becoming more and more necessary that we follow some ground rules that will allow us to continue to work together efficiently.

Responsibilities of a Developer

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest code. Generally, this means pulling changes from the central repository branch firemodels/development on a daily basis. For more instructions on how to setup remote tracking in Git see the Git User Workflow wiki.
  • Update the theory manual as necessary.
  • Update the verification and/or validation guides as necessary.
  • Update the users guide as necessary (hide developer hooks with comments, but do still include them!).
  • Update release notes.
  • IMPORTANT: Code changes should come with a test case, usually a verification test. Code modifications that do not have a test case have no guarantee of surviving in future development work. All test cases must be added to the guides. Either modify the script configuration file to process plots for the manuals or add your own script to the master script.
  • Monitor the discussion forum for topics related to your areas of the code.
  • Make use of the GitHub issues page to track progress of development work or bugs.
  • A little passion doesn't hurt: We strive to make FDS the best fire code it can be. Our team is dedicated to this goal and works tirelessly in its pursuit.

Source Code

  • IMPLICIT NONE (enough said).
  • Use ALL CAPS in F90 text files (readability and easy searching).
  • Use 3 spaces (NO TABS!) for indention of loops, IF statements, etc. (readability, portability across text editors).
  • Do not include excess white space. You can see the spaces with an editor like Sublime Text or Atom.
  • Double space between subroutines and single space within subroutines (readability).
  • Single space below major block comments (consistency in commenting).
  • Use the Makefile that is in the repository for release and debug versions. Before committing new source: update your repository just prior to committing and compile in debug mode and make sure there are no errors or warnings.
  • If an IF block, DO loop, or similar feature is more than a screen length of text, name the section. (helps keep track the start and end of long or complex code structures)
  • Use a named variable rather than a number, for example: RHO_H2O = 1000._EB rather than just 1000._EB (improves readability)
  • Use integers rather than strings for SELECT CASE, IF blocks, etc. (string comparisons are more costly)
  • Use >, <, >=, <=, ==, and /= rather than .GT., .LT., .GE., .LE., .EQ., and .NE. Put spaces before and after .AND. and .OR. but no space between .NOT. and the logical variable. (improves readability)
  • Avoid the use of == and /= for comparing REAL numbers. Rather than IF (X == 0._EB) use IF (ABS(X) < TWO_EPSILON_EB), and rather than IF (X /= Y) use IF(ABS(X-Y) < TWO_EPSILON_EB).
  • Explicitly type numbers. Rather than X = 0. do X = 0._EB (or _FB if the appropriate precision is four byte).
  • Use descriptive variable names for improved code readability. For example, EXTERNAL_WALL_CELLS rather than EWC.
  • If you hardwire a number into the code, make it a PARAMETER and give some concise reason.
  • If an input is added to a namelist definition, place it alphabetically. Seeing which inputs have not been documented in the User Manual is much easier when both the manual and the source is alphabetized.
  • Do not use more than 132 characters per line. (line length limit)
  • When using IF statements, put a space before and after the brackets, e.g., IF (statement) THEN. (readability)
  • ENDIF and ENDDO each are one word with no spaces. (consistency)
  • Put yourself in the shoes of others who have to debug the code. Treat the code like you are writing prose: rewrite until it is clear. If someone can't glance at the code and understand what is happening, it needs to be rewritten.


  • The mathematical style of the documents should follow A. Thompson and B.N. Taylor. The NIST Guide for the Use of the International System of Units. NIST Special Publication 881, 2008.
  • Remember to add new input parameters to the FDS User's Guide. If the parameter is not for public viewing yet, just put a comment character in front of it. This helps us keep track of inputs.
  • Before committing a change to a manual, pdflatex it and make sure nothing is broken. You should be able to run the script in the guide directory and get the message <guide> built successfully!. If you don't, then firebot will get errors or warning messages that someone will have to clean up.
  • Do not commit the PDF version of a manual to the 'All PDFs' folder in the Repository until we do a release. Sometimes, input parameters get introduced in the guides before an actual release version of the code.
  • Avoid HTML links in the manuals. They too often break.
  • Use conventional (soft) wrapping! This means that there are no hard character returns embedded in your paragraphs. Currently, the FDS documentation is riddled with this problem and we are slowly getting around to cleaning it up. Please help us by reformatting any sections that you find yourself working on. (portability across text editors)
  • Add any custom commands or latex variables to Bibliography/commoncommands.tex.
  • Use \textbf, \texttt, etc., instead of \bf, \tt, etc. because the latter are deprecated.

Verification and Validation Suites

  • Read the wiki pages that describes the process of compiling the V&V Guides. Make sure that you can compile the Guides before making any changes.
  • File naming convention: try not to use a hyphen (causes problems with tab completion in Cygwin).
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