What's Changed
- 3: Configure mypy to disallow partial unchecked definitions in src wh… by @lfse-slafleur in #6
- Create patch function by @victorgarcia98 in #7
- 1: Clean up error handling by moving all exception types to S2Validat… by @lfse-slafleur in #2
- 4: Add in base definitions for first batch of FRBC messages. by @lfse-slafleur in #5
- Add files to make the package installable with PIP by @victorgarcia98 in #14
- 11 implement all messages needed for frbc control type by @lfse-slafleur in #16
- 15: Rename package to s2python. by @lfse-slafleur in #22
- 20: Add ci/clean.sh and ci/distribute.sh, fix versioning issue by sup… by @lfse-slafleur in #21
- add GH action pipeline to run automated tests and automate publishing by @victorgarcia98 in #27
- adapt code to work in Python 3.8 by @victorgarcia98 in #28
Full Changelog: https://github.com/flexiblepower/s2-python/commits/v0.0.0