Releases: flightaware/cpptcl
Fix builds of example libraries
There was an extra lib in the CMake target names. libcpptcl_module_five -> cpptcl_module_five.
This was fixed for all four example modules. All of the changes are in the CMakeLists.txt files.
The cpptcl API is unchanged.
Install libcpptcl_runtime.a
Install library libcpptcl_runtime.a
Remove using namespace in header file
Remove using namespace std from header file. Fixes problems with boost over _1, _2, ... tokens.
Add Tcl_CreateInterpWithStubs and runtime library
Add a new C function Tcl_CreateInterpWithStubs to perform a common: Tcl_CreateInterp, Tcl_Init, Tcl_StubsInit, Tcl_PkgRequire.
This saves implementers several lines of code and avoids problems with USE_TCL_STUBS being set at the wrong time. In general, cpptcl users should stick to always setting the preprocessor variable USE_TCL_STUBS. Note that USE_TCL_STUBS will be set by cpptcl.h unless CPPTCL_NO_TCL_STUBS is set. The TCL TEA system always sets USE_TCL_STUBS; it is a reasonable default.
The simplest means to create a TCL interpreter is to use
#include <cpptcl/cpptcl.h>
Tcl_Interp * interp = Tcl_CreateInterpWithStubs("8.6", 0); // C style pointer
Tcl::interpreter i(interp, true); // wrapped by cpptcl class
and to link in the static library cpptcl_runtime.
Cleanup CMake testing
The test configuration now uses a CMake subdirectory. This removes redundant CMake configiurations and Makefile configurations.