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PHPFlip is a standard project architecture. It requires PHP 7.1.

Available Routing

This project (will) comes with standard routing, such as:

  • Authentication and Registration
    • POST /auth/login (acquire a token for authorization)
    • GET /auth/user (see current authorized user)
    • POST /auth/forgot (sending email to reset a password) [WIP]
    • POST /auth/logout (purge a token, the purged token will be unusable)
    • POST /auth/register/user (register new user)
  • Account Management [WIP]
    • GET /account (see detail of account)
    • POST /account (update an account)
    • POST /account/password (change password for an account)
  • User Management
    • GET /users (get user list)
    • POST /users (create new user)
    • GET /users/{id} (get a user detail)
    • POST /users/{id} (update a user)
    • DELETE /users/{id} (delete a user)

Application Structure

  • Core (root of everything)
    • Managers
      • OrderManager.php
    • Entities (Contains class that representate the business logic)
      • OrderEntity.php
      • UserEntity.php
    • Contracts
      • Repositories (Connection manager, interact with databases)
        • UserRepository.php
      • Models
        • User.php (Database representation, like DAO or POPO)
        • Token.php
      • Infrastructures (Mailer, Logger, etc)
    • Validators
      • Validator.php
      • Rules
        • Auth
          • LoginRules.php
          • ForgotRules.php
    • Util (Don't touch, unless you know how to defeat a dragon)
      • Presenters
        • XML.php
        • JSON.php
        • Protobuf.php
    • PubSub
      • Emitter.php
      • Publishers (It could be grouped per module if needed)
        • UserIsNotOnline.php
        • Users
          • UserHasBeenCreated.php (naming should be as detail as possible)
          • UserLostTheirPassword.php
        • Orders
          • OrderHasBeenMade.php
      • Subscribers
        • SendToEmail.php
    • Transformer
      • Transformer.php
      • Autobots
        • UserAutobot.php


PHPFlip has a rigid rules about how to adding new components.

Using Validator

[Documentation WIP]

Using Transformer

[Documentation WIP]

About Autobot

[Documentation WIP]

Using Presenter

[Documentation WIP]

Adding New Feature

Here's what you need to do if you want to add new feature:

  1. You need to create Manager. Manager is responsible to managing resource, it has many "hands" to handle it's responsibilities. These "hands" are injected to the manager via service locator. You also needs to create these "hands" too. These "hands" may includes:
    • Repository
      • Model
        • Autobot
    • (Business)Entity
    • (Validator)Rules
    • (Event)Emitter (Optional)
      • Publisher
      • Subscriber
    • After you make a Manager. You have to make a Repository. A Repository is a class that responsible to interact with database (getting records or persisting records).
      • Inside Repository, there's a Model. Model is a class that representates a database record. It's like a Plain Ol' file. You may add some extra contract to define some useful methods.
        • A Model has it's own Autobot. Autobot is a file that responsible to convert a database record to a rigid structure that will be used for application response.
    • Another class you need to make is an Entity. Entity is a class that contains business logic such as calculation method, creation method, or something else.
    • You may need a Rules after then. Just like it's name, Rules is responsible to validate any operation, it only contains rulesets that any operation should pass before it can continue.
    • You can make it more "separated" by making a event-driven class. Just make a Publisher (a class that defines an event name) that has one or many Subscriber(s) (a class that triggered when an event happens). You have to trigger a Publisher (via Emitter), then any Subscriber(s) that listen to that Publisher will triggered based on it's priority.
  2. TESTING IS IMPORTANT. Make sure you make a test case inside core-tests folder. Don't forget to full run unit-test, so you will notice if you make a breaking-changes when making a new feature.
  3. Lastly, you need to fixing you code style to meet our specification. See Code Fixing section below.


composer install

# we assume you have configured your .env file
php artisan migrate --seed


composer global remove 'phpunit/phpunit' -vvv
composer global require 'phpunit/phpunit:^5.0' -vvv

# to test all suites

# or via composer
composer run-script test

# or simply
composer test


# or for testing specific core package
phpunit --testsuite Core

# similay like above but via composer
composer run-script test-core

# or simply
composer test-core


# or for testing application
phpunit --testsuite App

# similay like above but via composer
composer run-script test-app

# or simply
composer test-app

Code Fixing

composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer -vvv

# in root folder of this project
composer run-script fix

# or simply
composer fix


PHPFlip is a standard project architecture.







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