This library can help Flutter applications pre-compile SVG Path data into
Flutter (dart:ui
) Path
For example:
import 'package:built_path_annotations/built_path_annotations.dart';
part 'example.svg_path.g.dart';
@SvgPath('M10 10 L20 20 Z')
Path get diagonalLine => _$diagonalLine;
Will generate Dart code like the following:
part of 'example.dart'
Path __$diagonalLine;
Path get _$diagonalLine => __$diagonalLine ??
(__$diagonalLine = new Path()
..moveTo(10.0, 10.0)
..lineTo(20.0, 20.0)
Note that for a Flutter project, you'll have to run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
. Follow flutter/flutter#13360,
as this syntax may change in a future version of Flutter.
Also note that there will be an error reported about dart:ui
dart-lang/build#733 is resolved, but the code should
still get generated.
The example/
folder contains a full working example for Flutter, including
the build.yaml
and generated code.