Releases: folio-org/mod-data-export-worker
Releases · folio-org/mod-data-export-worker
Bug fixes
- EUREKA-533 401 Unauthorized error while upload file with valid identifiers in Bulk edit on Eureka environment
- MODEXPW-538 Update permissions for mod-feesfines
Technical tasks
- MODEXPW-526 Eureka: service for retrieving moduleId
- MODEXPW-500 UnknownHostException: local-files-test.localhost in LocalFilesStorageAwsSdkComposingTest
- MODEXPW-499 Replace deprecated KafkaProperties methods
Technical tasks
- MODEXPW-530 Upgrade commons-io for Ramsons
- Improvements and dependencies updating
Technical tasks
- MODEXPW-521 Verify notes permissions
- MODEXPW-519 Verify eholdings permissions
- MODEXPW-513 Verify consortium-search permissions
- MODEXPW-512 Rename sourceRecords permission
- MODEXPW-511 API version update
- MODEXPW-509 Support Eureka permissions model for bulk operations (read operations)
- MODEXPW-505 API version update
- MODEXPW-503 Bulk-Ops: performance improvement (data-export-worker part)
- MODEXPW-498 HoldingsRecordsSource schema alignment
- MODEXPW-489 Remove unused updating functionality
- MODEXPW-488 Central tenant view permissions handling
- MODEXPW-487 S3 Env Vars optimisation
- MODEXPW-483 User schema updating - new field preferredEmailCommunication
- MODEXPW-479 API version update
- MODEXPW-478 Add notes field to instance csv file
- MODEXPW-477 Items and holdings tenant populating
- MODEXPW-476 Extend entities schemas to support tenant information
- MODEXPW-475 Increase multipart upload consumption size
- MODEXPW-470 .mrc-file creation
- MODEXPW-345 Refreshing mechanism for presigned url (Bursar)
- FOLIO-4087 RMB & Spring upgrades (all modules)
- MODEXPW-516 Update module permissions in the ModuleDescriptor
- MODEXPW-515 Include Tentant in columns selection
- MODEXPW-504 Include tenantId in Item's and Holdings' Notes names in ECS
- MODEXPW-465 Separate Instance Notes by Note Type
- MODEXPW-460 Holdings record's column names cleanup
- MODEXPW-455 Item record's column names cleanup
- MODEXPW-396 Allow additional item status updates
Bug fixes
- MODEXPW-520 Bulk edit allows editing shadow users
- MODEXPW-507 500 Internal Server Error when download bulk edit job file from Export manager
- MODEXPW-495 ECS | Incorrect "totalRecords" value when search Items by Former identifier on Member tenant
- MODEXPW-493 Outdated preview of matched records in case of remove (add) affiliation and upload the same file with Holdings, Items identifiers in Central tenant
Tech debts
- MODEXPW-499 Replace deprecated KafkaProperties methods
This release contains bug fixes
Bug Fixes
- MODEXPW-474 "Request has expired" or "Expired token" errors
- MODEXPW-463 Update custom field types
This release contains vulnerability fixes and user schema update
Bug Fixes
- MODEXPW-472 awssdk s3 2.25.13 fixing netty-handler DoS (CVE-2023-34462)
- MODEXPW-471 Upgrade minio and apache sshd fixing security vulns
Technical tasks
- MODEXPW-463 User schema update
2024-04-01 v3.2.2
This release focused on fixing escaping '?' in Edifact message processing
Bug Fixes
- MODEXPS-258 Escape '?' during Edifact message processing
Bug fixes
- FEXPCMN-21 Unexpected value 'Staff info added' Error Prevents Circulation Logs Export