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@AndreiMPV AndreiMPV released this 18 Mar 10:06
· 618 commits to master since this release

12.0.0 - Released

The focus of this release was to update RMB, support ledger fiscal year rollover and re-encumber logic.
Also performance improvement was done for composite order API.

Full Changelog

Technical tasks


  • MODORDERS-480 - Create encumbrances based on fundDistribution percentage value during re-encumber
  • MODORDERS-479 - Update fundDistributions during order rollover
  • MODORDERS-471 - Ensure that Allowable Encumbrance and Allowable Expenditure restrictions are based on "Total Funding"
  • MODORDERS-470 - Create new tags centrally when they are added from incoming POL data
  • MODORDERS-465 - Implement order rollover status logic for get by id
  • MODORDERS-464 - Implement rollover orders logic
  • MODORDERS-463 - Change encumbrance orderStatus when workFlowStatus is changed
  • MODORDERS-459 - Update POL status of "Ongoing" order to Ongoing when order is Open
  • MODORDERS-454 - User should NOT be able to delete an order or order line that is related to an invoice
  • MODORDERS-443 - Update logic for supporting manually exchange rate for purchase order line
  • MODORDERS-439 - Implement re-encumber orders logic
  • MODORDERS-438 - Define re-encumber and rollover orders business API
  • MODORDERS-391 - Release all encumbrances when order is closed

Bug Fixes

  • MODORDERS-484 - Memory Leaks - concurrentHashMap and Vertx Internal timers not releasing heap memory in POST /composite-orders
  • MODORDERS-478 - Total encumbered for PO showing more than one year of encumbrances
  • MODORDERS-476 - Investigate invoice approval error
  • MODORDERS-472 - Potentially incorrect number of units/price display in order cost details