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Releases: folio-org/ui-quick-marc


02 Dec 12:48
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  • UIQM-735 Return also sub permissions in useUserTenantPermissions hook.


22 Nov 10:28
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  • UIQM-725 Fix wrong error message while saving MARC Bib record with invalid LDR position values.


01 Nov 13:46
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  • UIQM-647 Import useUserTenantPermissions from @folio/stripes/core.
  • UIQM-563 Allow a user to move 00X fields.
  • UIQM-563 Add a required property to Select type fields for screen readers.
  • UIQM-648 Add aria-label to the location field.
  • UIQM-660 BREAKING Added stripes-inventory-components to peerDeps. Added inventory search link next to 010 fields.
  • UIQM-671 Create/Derive a MARC bib/holdings/authority > Remove the add new field on the system generated 999 ff.
  • UIQM-661 Derive a new MARC bib record > Do not copy over 010 field values.
  • UIQM-666 Make leader positions Type and BLvl required when creating a bib record.
  • UIQM-672 Add a tooltip for the search link.
  • UIQM-670 Allow saving local control fields without subfield.
  • UIQM-669 Display validation error messages inline.
  • UIQM-658 Check for duplicate LCCN (010 $a) bib or authority records.
  • UIQM-631 Create/Edit/Derive a MARC bib/authority/holdings record > Display MARC record validation errors inline.
  • UIQM-632 Run timer on submit during backend validation, if it takes over 2s, show modal.
  • UIQM-681 Return some validation rules for Bib and Authority records.
  • UIQM-685 “ELvl” box (17th LDR position) validation when Creating/Editing/Deriving MARC bib.
  • UIQM-688 Convert Leader from Object to string when fetching links autosuggestions.
  • UIQM-687 Create/Derive MARC Bib records - remove field 001 error related to missing field during validation.
  • UIQM-686 Return removed UI validation in "quickmarc".
  • UIQM-690 Match payload formatting for submit and validate when editing.
  • UIQM-668 Change "subfield" to "position" in 008 validation messages.
  • UIQM-691 Show correct field and toast color when validation returns warnings.
  • UIQM-665 Fix to generate array content in 008 after changing document type of MARC bib.
  • UIQM-694 Separate error messages triggered by controlled subfields of different linked fields.
  • UIQM-592 Fix to input polish special chars into fields.
  • UIQM-697 Field 008: Validate the length of subfields. Add backslashes if the length of a subfield of field 008 is shorter, if longer - cut off the extra characters.
  • UIQM-699 ECS - send validation request with central tenant id for shared Bib and Authority records.
  • UIQM-693 Hide permission - Edit, View: Enable duplicate LCCN (010 $a) checking of MARC bibliographic and authority records.
  • UIQM-695 Remove extra $ from error messages when adding/removing $t from 1XX of linked MARC authority record.
  • UIQM-706 BREAKING Upgrade marc-records-editor to 6.0.
  • UIQM-698 Validate 006/007 field lengths.
  • UIQM-704 Linked fields - combine split fields before sending for validation.
  • UIQM-708 Change 007 Microforms type to allow 4 characters in RRR/RR field.
  • UIQM-714 BREAKING Upgrade inventory to 14.0.
  • UIQM-709 LCCN duplication: Update the bib request query to include only the non-suppressed record in the search results.
  • UIQM-701 Use new GA workflows.
  • UIQM-711 Update validateFixedFieldPositions to display all 008 field errors instead of one in Bibliographic records.
  • UIQM-712 In field 007 for Projected Graphic type: change the MfS field type to Byte to allow only 1 character to be entered.
  • UIQM-715 Reuse existing ids for fields after saving a record to avoid re-rendering and be able to focus on a field by ref.
  • UIQM-723 Rename permissions.
  • UIQM-724 Do not group together subfields during linking.


18 Apr 09:26
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  • UIQM-641 Call cleanBytesFields function with correct arguments to fix 008 field.
  • UIQM-640 Create authority | Make list of authority files in lookup alphabetical.
  • UIQM-650 Use setTimeout to defer the execution of showCallout to ensure the toasts are shown after the potentially heavy render.
  • UIQM-649 Added validation rule to prevent deletion of 010 when it is a linking point.


21 Mar 19:20
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  • UIQM-580 BREAKING Move QuickMarcView, PrintPopup and getHeaders to stripes-marc-components.
  • UIQM-543 Remove eslint deps that are already listed in eslint-config-stripes.
  • UIQM-573 Edit MARC authority | Allow user to Add/Edit 010 $a when linking is based on 001.
  • UIQM-574 Added authority source file selection button and modal to Authority Create view.
  • UIQM-591 Show permission quickMARC: Create a new MARC authority record. Don't load locations when MARC type is not Holdings.
  • UIQM-594 BREAKING Add authority-source-files interface.
  • UIQM-522 Create/Derive a new MARC bib record & Create a MARC holdings | Default state of Save & close button should be disabled.
  • UIQM-534 Remove fields that have no MARC tag and no subfield value.
  • UIQM-381 Create Orig Authority Record: Populate new record with default Leader values.
  • UIQM-526 Refactor validation functionality.
  • UIQM-597 Build initial values for the find-authority plugin using EXACT_PHRASE when there is '$0' value.
  • UIQM-595 During linking, take the authority subfields first and then the bib subfields.
  • UIQM-555 Not change the pane header of the authority record while editing the 1xx field.
  • UIQM-596 Fix http error handling when Editing/Creating/Deriving MARC records.
  • UIQM-576 Generate 001 per selected authority file configuration.
  • UIQM-598 BREAKING Added onSave prop to handle saving records separately.
  • UIQM-577 Validate the 010 record when creating an authority record.
  • UIQM-606 Fetch only selectable source files for source file lookup modal.
  • UIQM-620 Validate the creation of authority records with base authority record validation rules.
  • UIQM-607 Wait for a redirect in the onSubmit function after creating a record.
  • UIQM-619 During linking, place $a subfield first for the 240 bib field if there is t->a subfield modification.
  • UIQM-625 Use null instead of empty string as an empty tenantId value.
  • UIQM-627 Add shared text to the title when editing a shared authority record.
  • UIQM-471 Added Dropdowns for fixed field 008 bib records.
  • UIQM-610 Split LDR by position & add dropdowns for create/edit/derive.
  • UIQM-611 Add tooltips for LDR positions.
  • UIQM-611 Use the $ sign instead of {dollar} for search input and search query during manual linking.


11 Dec 11:52
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  • UIQM-588 Use Authority search to get Authority linked records count.


09 Nov 14:50
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  • UIQM-582 Show correct message if saving a deleted record.


03 Nov 11:17
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  • UIQM-571 Added marc-records-editor.item.put to Derive and Create Bib permissions to fix issue with broken links after deriving or creating a record.


27 Oct 14:49
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  • UIQM-571 Added marc-records-editor.item.put to Derive and Create Bib permissions to fix issue with broken links after deriving or creating a record.


13 Oct 15:13
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  • Use correct version of ui-plugin-find-authority.