Salesforce Mobile SDK 10.1.0
What's New in Mobile SDK 10.1.0
Mobile SDK 10.1.0 is a minor release that includes bug fixes, performance enhancements, feature additions, and updates.
How to Upgrade Your Apps
For information on upgrading Mobile SDK apps, follow the instructions at Migrating from the Previous Release.
Feature Additions and Updates
REST API Methods for Briefcase Priming Records
REST request factory method and response parser for the Briefcase Priming Salesforce API.
REST API Methods for sObject Collections
REST request factory methods and response parser for the following sObject Collections operations:
Briefcase Sync Down Target
New standard target for downloading and locally synchronizing records from an org's briefcases.
Collection Sync Up Target
A new sync up target that uses sObject Collections for improved performance. It is the new default when creating a sync up target without specifying an implementation class.
External Component Version Updates
SQLCipher: 4.5.1
SQLite: 3.37.2