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forntoh committed Aug 10, 2024
1 parent 9fd262f commit f6bafc1
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 0 deletions.
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions examples/RTOS/RTOS.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Libraries
#include <Arduino_FreeRTOS.h>
#include <ItemSubMenu.h>
#include <ItemToggle.h>
#include <LcdMenu.h>
#include <interface/LiquidCrystalI2CAdapter.h>
#include <utils/commandProccesors.h>

// 2x20 LCD Display
#define LCD_ROWS 2
#define LCD_COLS 16

#define UP 'w'
#define DOWN 's'
#define LEFT 'a'
#define RIGHT 'd'
#define ENTER ' '
#define BACK 'b'
#define BACKSPACE 'v'
#define CLEAR 'c'

float temperature1;
float temperature2;
float temperature3;

bool relay1State, relay2State, relay3State;
// Main Menu Definings
extern MenuItem* relayTest[];
extern MenuItem* tempObs[];

// Relay 1 Toggle
void toggleRelay1(uint16_t isOn) { printCmd(F("relay1State")); }

// Relay 2 Toggle
void toggleRelay2(uint16_t isOn) { printCmd(F("relay2State")); }

// Relay 3 Toggle
void toggleRelay3(uint16_t isOn) { printCmd(F("relay3State")); }

LiquidCrystalI2CAdapter lcdAdapter(0x27, LCD_COLS, LCD_ROWS);
LcdMenu menu(lcdAdapter);

ITEM_BASIC("Relay Test"),
ITEM_SUBMENU("Temp. Observing", tempObs),
ITEM_BASIC("Hello World"), ITEM_BASIC("I'm World")

// Sub Menu 1: Relays
SUB_MENU(relayTest, mainMenu,
ITEM_TOGGLE("Relay 1", toggleRelay1),
ITEM_TOGGLE("Relay 2", toggleRelay2),
ITEM_TOGGLE("Relay 3", toggleRelay3)

// Sub Menu 2: Temperature Values
SUB_MENU(tempObs, mainMenu,

// RTOS func. to measure temperature value
static void tempMeas(void* pvParameters) {
for (;;) {
//-------------------BEGIN: TEST WITH RANDOM------------------//
temperature1 = random(1, 1000) / 100.0; // Generate random float
temperature2 = random(1, 2000) / 100.0; // Generate random float
temperature3 = random(1, 3000) / 100.0; // Generate random float
//-------------------END: TEST WITH RANDOM--------------------//

char buffer1[8];
tempObs[1]->setText(dtostrf(temperature1, 5, 2, buffer1));

char buffer2[8];
tempObs[2]->setText(dtostrf(temperature2, 5, 2, buffer2));

char buffer3[8];
tempObs[3]->setText(dtostrf(temperature3, 5, 2, buffer3));

vTaskDelay(5000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // wait for five seconds

// RTOS func to read serial input from keyboard
static void keyPad(void* pvParameters) {
(void)pvParameters; // Unused parameter

for (;;) {
char command =;
processMenuCommand(menu, command, UP, DOWN, ENTER, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT);

void setup() {
// LCD activation
// Run RTOS func.
xTaskCreate(keyPad, "keyPad", 128, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL);
xTaskCreate(tempMeas, "tempMeas", 128, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL);
// Setup random seed
pinMode(A0, INPUT);

void loop() { lcdAdapter.updateTimer(); }

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