Keep Off The Grass!
Source code for CodinGame's Fall Challenge 2022 event.
Community starter AIs are located here:
If you want to use the referee to view games in the browser locally, you have to compile some typescript files before building. If you only want to use the referee via command line interface (e.g. with cg-brutaltester), you can skip this.
cd src/main/resources/view
npm install
npm start
rm -fr node_modules
If you don't remove the node_modules directory then maven will add the whole lot to the jar file.
- Install Java 1.8 (JDK)
- Install Maven.
- Run in command line
<path_to_maven>/mvn package
inside root directory of this repo. - The compiled jar is ./target/fall-challenge-2022-keep-off-the-grass-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar
Use JRE 8 to avoid warnings/errors. JRE 11 works but with warnings. Later versions cause errors.
usage: -p1 <player1 command line> -p2 <player2 command line> [-s -l <File
output for logs> -d <seed>]
-d <arg> Referee seed
-h Print the help
-l <arg> File output for logs
-p1 <arg> Required. Player 1 command line.
-p2 <arg> Required. Player 2 command line.
-s Server mode
E.g., to run the referee and watch the game in the browser:
java -jar ./fall22.jar -p1 "python" -p2 "python" -s