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Signed-off-by: Sunyanan Choochotkaew <[email protected]>
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sunya-ch committed Jan 15, 2024
1 parent fee2e45 commit f1cdc01
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@@ -1,4 +1,36 @@
# Manual Troubleshooting

** Please first confirm feature supports on each multi-nic-cni release version from [here](../release/ **

<!-- TOC tocDepth:2..3 chapterDepth:3..6 -->

- [Issues](#issues)
- [Pod failed to start](#pod-failed-to-start)
- [Pod failed to start (Summary Table)](#pod-failed-to-start-summary-table)
- [Ping failed](#ping-failed)
- [TCP/UDP communication failed.](#tcpudp-communication-failed)
- [Actions](#actions)
- [Controller configuration](#controller-configuration)
- [Daemon configuration](#daemon-configuration)
- [List in-use pods](#list-in-use-pods)
- [Get CNI log (available after v1.0.3)](#get-cni-log-available-after-v103)
- [Get Controller log](#get-controller-log)
- [Get multi-nicd log](#get-multi-nicd-log)
- [Deploy multi-nicd config](#deploy-multi-nicd-config)
- [Set security groups](#set-security-groups)
- [Add secondary interfaces](#add-secondary-interfaces)
- [Restart controller](#restart-controller)
- [Restart multi-nicd](#restart-multi-nicd)
- [Check host secondary interfaces](#check-host-secondary-interfaces)
- [Update daemon pod to use latest version](#update-daemon-pod-to-use-latest-version)
- [Update controller to use latest version](#update-controller-to-use-latest-version)
- [Safe upgrade Multi-NIC CNI operator](#safe-upgrade-multi-nic-cni-operator)

<!-- /TOC -->

## Issues
There are commonly three steps of issue: at pod creation, simple ICMP (ping) communication, TCP/UDP communication. The most complicated one is at pod creation.

Before start troubleshooting, set common variables for reference simplicity.
export FAILED_POD= # pod that fails to run
Expand All @@ -7,18 +39,56 @@ export FAILED_NODE= # node where pod is deployed
export MULTI_NIC_NAMESPACE= # namespace where multi-nic cni operator is deployed, default=multi-nic-cni-operator
## Issues

### Pod failed to start

Pod stays pending in `ContainerCreating` status.
Get more information from `describe`
- Error: `FailedCreatePodSandBox`
* [CNI binary not found](#cni-binary-not-exist)
* [IPAM ExecAdd failed](#ipam-execadd-failed)

##### CNI binary not exist
Find the following keyword from `FailedCreatePodSandBox`:

* [Network not found](#network-not-found)
* [CNI binary not found](#cni-binary-not-found)
* [IPAM ExecAdd: failed](#ipam-execadd-failed)
* [IPAM plugin returned missing IP config](#ipam-plugin-returned-missing-ip-config)
* [zero config](#zero-config)

### Pod failed to start (Summary Table)
For those who are familar to action command (e.g., list multinic CRs, list daemon pods), you may troubleshoot with the summary table:

> - Investigate source of issue from top to bottom
> - *X* refers to no relevance
> - If the issue cannot be solved by configuration (multinicnetwork, annotation, host network, config.multinic) and last patch of [controller](#update-daemon-pod-to-use-latest-version) and [multi-nicd](#update-daemon-pod-to-use-latest-version), please report the [issue]( with the corresponding log.
> - *The solved bug on CNI binary requires node restart.
Potential source of Issue|Network not found|CNI binary not found|- IPAM ExecAdd: failed <br>- IPAM plugin returned missing IP config|zero config|Fail execPlugin
**multinicnetwork definition/annotation**|- annotation missing/mismatch<br>- multinicnetwork wrong configured|X|- IPAM wrong configured<br>- `masters` multinicnetwork spec missing (> 1 multinicnetwork)|**non-IP host:**<br>- no master name provided via multi-config or annotation|X
**host network**|X|X|X|**L3:**<br>- daemon communication blocked<br>**All:**<br>- interface missing<br>|X
**controller**|- net-attach-def not created|- daemon not created due to wrong configured (config.multinic)|**L3:**<br>- daemon/hostinterface not created<br>- CIDR/IPPool not created/unsynced|X|X
**daemon**<br>(multi-nicd)|X|X|**L3:**<br>- failed to discover hostinterface<br>- IP limit reach<br>**All cases:**<br>- hang on no-respond API server (should be fixed by [#172](|X|X
**main CNI binary**<br>(multi-nic)|X|X|- *failed to clean up previous pod network (should be fixed by [#165](|**host-device**<br>- *failed to clean up previous pod network (should be fixed by [#152](|X
**ipam CNI binary**<br>(multi-nic-ipam)|X|X|- *failed to clean up previous ip allocation (should be fixed by [#104](|X|X
**3rd-party CNI binary**|X|- binary missing|- 3rd-party IPAM failure|X|- 3rd-party main plugin failure

#### Network not found

kubectl get multinicnetwork # multinicnetwork resource created
kubectl get $FAILED_POD -n $FAILED_POD_NAMESPACE -oyaml|grep "" # pod annotation matched
kubectl get net-attach-def # network-attachment-definition created

If net-attach-def is missing (`No resources found in default namespace`), check [controller log](#get-controller-log) to see whether the failure comes from misconfiguration in multinicnetwork (Marshal failure) or network-attachment-definition creation request to API server.

#### CNI binary not found
The binary file of CNI is not in the expected location read by Multus. The expected location can be found in Multus daemonset as below.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +124,9 @@ The expected location is in *hostPath* of *cnibin*.
- **missing other CNI such as ipvlan**
The missing CNI may not be supported.

##### IPAM ExecAdd failed
#### IPAM ExecAdd: failed
This error occurs when CNI cannot execute Multi-NIC IPAM which can be caused by multiple reasons as follows.

- `failed to load netconf`

The configuration cannot be loaded. This is delegated CNI (such as IPVLAN) issue.
Expand All @@ -76,11 +148,12 @@ The expected location is in *hostPath* of *cnibin*.
- If no interfaces in `.spec.interfaces`, check [HostInterface does not show the secondary interfaces.](#no-secondary-interfaces-in-hostinterface)
- Check whether it reaches CIDR block limit, confirm [no available IP address](#no-secondary-interfaces-in-hostinterface)
- Other cases, find more details from [multi-nicd log](#get-multi-nicd-log)
- Multi-nicd daemon pod has no response, [restart multi-nicd](#restart-multi-nicd) might help.

- other CNI plugin (such as aws-vpc-cni, sr-iov) failure, check each CNI log.
- aws-vpc-cni: `/host/var/log/aws-routed-eni`

###### HostInterface not created
##### HostInterface not created
There are a couple of reasons that the HostInterface is not created. First check the multi-nicd DaemonSet.
kubectl get ds multi-nicd -n $MULTI_NIC_NAMESPACE -oyaml
Expand All @@ -102,7 +175,7 @@ kubectl get ds multi-nicd -n $MULTI_NIC_NAMESPACE -oyaml
|grep $FAILED_NODE|awk '{printf "%s -n %s", $2, $1}')

- Other cases, check [controller log](#get-controller-log)
###### No secondary interfaces in HostInterface
##### No secondary interfaces in HostInterface

The HostInterface is created but there is no interface listed in the custom resource.

Expand All @@ -116,14 +189,24 @@ kubectl logs --selector control-plane=controller-manager \
- If no line shown up and the full [controller log](#get-controller-log) keep printing `Fail to create hostinterface ... cannot update interfaces: Get "<node IP>/interface": dial tcp <node IP>:11000: i/o timeout`, check [set required security group rules](#set-security-groups)
- Other cases, [check interfaces at node's host network](#check-host-secondary-interfaces)

###### No available IP address
##### No available IP address
List corresponding Pod CIDR from HostInterface.
kubectl get HostInterface $FAILED_NODE -oyaml
Check of the corresponding pod CIDR whether the IP address actually reach the limit. If yes, consider changing the host block and interface block in ``.

#### IPAM plugin returned missing IP config

No IP address set from the multi-nic type IPAM without throwing an error. To troubleshoot, we need additional information from [IPAM CNI log](#get-cni-log-available-after-v103).

#### Zero config

Zero config occurs when CNI cannot generate configurations from the network-attachment-definition. To troubleshoot, we need additional information from [CNI log](#get-cni-log).

### Ping failed
**Issue:** Pods cannot ping each other.

Check route status in
kubectl get multinic-ipvlanl3 -o json\
Expand All @@ -139,6 +222,8 @@ kubectl get multinic-ipvlanl3 -o json\

- *Success*: check [set required security group rules](#set-security-groups)
### TCP/UDP communication failed.
**Issue:** Pods can ping each other but do not get response from TCP/UDP communication such as iPerf.

Check whether the multi-nicd detects the other host interfaces.
kubectl get po $(kubectl get po -owide -A|grep multi-nicd\
Expand All @@ -151,7 +236,68 @@ The nubmer in `multi-nicd-join` should be equal to accumulated number of interfa
[Check whether the host secondary interfaces between hosts are connected](#check-host-secondary-interfaces).
If yes, try [restarting multi-nic-cni controller node](#restart-controller) to forcefully synchronize host interfaces.

## Actions
Available configurations on `config.multinic/multi-nicd`:

### Controller configuration

These following controller configuration values will be applied on-the-fly (no need to restart the controller pod).

Configuration|Description|Default Value
.spec.logLevel|controller's verbose log level|4
.spec.urgentReconcileSeconds|time to requeue reconcile after instant failure in second unit|5 seconds
.spec.normalReconcileMinutes|time to requeue reconcile while waiting for initial configuration in minute unit|1 minute
.spec.longReconcileMinutes|time to requeue reconcile when sensing control traffic failure in minute unit|10 minutes
.spec.contextTimeoutMinutes|time out for API server call context in minute unit|2 minutes

#### Log Levels

Verbose Level | Information
1|- critical error (cannot create/update resource by k8s API) <br> - "Set Config" key <br> - set up log <br>- config error
2|- significant events/failures of multinicnetwork
3|- significant events/failures of cidr
4 (default)|- significant events/failures of hostinterface
5|- significant events/failures of ippools
6|- significant events/failures of route configurations
7|- requeue <br> - get deleted resource <br> - debug pointers (e.g., start point of function call)

### Daemon configuration

Configuration|Description|Type|Default Value
.spec.daemon.port|multi-nicd serving port|int|11000
.spec.daemon.mounts|additional host-path mount|HostPathMount|

# HostPathMount
- name: mountName
podpath: path/on/pod
hostpath: path/on/host
Additionally, the following common [apps/DaemonSet]( configurations are also available under `.spec.daemon`.
- nodeSelector
- image
- imagePullSecret
- imagePullPolicy
- securityContext
- env
- envFrom
- resources
- tolerations

### List in-use pods

**modify '< MULTINICNETWORK NAME HERE >'** in the following command with your target.multinicnetwork name

kubectl get po -A -ojson| jq -r '.items[]|select(.metadata.annotations.""=="< MULTINICNETWORK NAME HERE >")|.metadata.namespace + " " +'

### Get CNI log (available after v1.0.3)
To make CNI log available on the daemon pod, you may mount the the host log path to the daemon pod:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,6 +389,12 @@ kubectl delete --selector control-plane=controller-manager \

### Restart multi-nicd
kubectl delete po $(kubectl get po -owide -A|grep multi-nicd\
|grep $FAILED_NODE|awk '{printf "%s -n %s", $2, $1}')

### Check host secondary interfaces
Log in to FAILED_NODE with `oc debug node/$FAILED_NODE` or using [nettools]( with `hostNetwork: true`. If secondary interfaces do not exist at the host network, [add the secondary interfaces](#add-secondary-interfaces-at-nodes-host-network)

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