Program to manage autostart applications.
V. 0.9.1
Free to use and modify.
Require: python3, pyqt5, pyxdg.
With these two programs, autostart applications/desktop files found in the autostart folders will be executed, unless they are marked with Hidden=true. Applications can be added, removed, modified whether in the user autostart folder, while the application in the system folder (usually /etc/xdg/autostart) can be only setted as hidden (in the user autostart folder) to not to be executed.
- python3 (or ./ to launch the program for managing the applications to be started automatically;
- python3 (or ./ to launch the application for executing the programs in the autostart folders, if the case
- is a lonely, previous program for executing programs (-tui option) and for managing them (-gui options); this program launches every programs, unless they don't have to be launched.
Just click in the checkboxes to unselect/select the items. Modifications are apply immediately. Instead, the remove button will show a confirmation dialog first.
Put the mouse over an item to get its description/comment and executable. In gui mode, this program cannot start or stop any programs.
The option in the config file:
- LOG_TO_FILE : the program can log all the tasks it made, programs executed from system and use folders, programs skipped, etc.;
- DEST_LOG : where to write the log.