In this repository you can find some of the tasks required by Wazuh.
You need to clone this repo.
$ git clone
- Task 1: Getting familiar with Wazuh
- Task 2: Extracting alert information
- Task 4: Simple API REST with Node.js
- Task 5: Elastic stack
- Task 6: Simple App with React
I didn’t have any big problem. I found the documentation very clear. But in some pages, at least for me, it was a little hard to found some references. For example, when the ossec-conf file is mentioned, maybe a link to would help.
You can see they here.
The Wazuh manager uses the /var/ossec/etc/client.keys file to store the registration record of each Wazuh agent, which includes ID, name, IP, and key.
To install Wazuh I followed the installation guide.
Wazuh Manager
First I installed Wuazu server on a Ubuntu host using packages, and this services were installed:
- Wazhu Manager
- Wazhu Api
- Filebeat
Then I installed the Elastick Stack using Debian packages, and this services were installed:
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
All the services were installed with the default configurations in the localhost (
Wazuh Agent
- Finally, I installed Wazhu agent into a Windows host using the packages.
- Then, I configured the Manager IP using the GUI, and I registered the agent with the manager using the user manual.
Currently, I am not trained to understand all types of alerts, but the logs were showed on the Wazuh app.