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Restoring From ERPNext Backup

Karthikeyan S edited this page Jul 5, 2019 · 17 revisions

Downloading Backups

  • Download backup files
cd /tmp
wget [FILES BACKUP FILE URL] (this URL is to be made based on what is shown on the DATABASE BACKUP FILE URL)
  • Unzip files (this step is not necessary for the latest version)
gunzip [DATABASE BACKUP FILE.sql.gz]
tar xvf [FILES BACKUP.tar]

Version ~9+ (Restore via Frappe Bench)

To restore a site database you need to first have/setup a working site. Once you have a working site, you can use the following steps to restore your database.

  • Go the bench folder, which is usually frappe-bench
  • Run the following bench commands to restore your database and files

Note: the following command will overwrite existing data.

bench --site [sitename] --force restore [path to database backup file] --with-private-files [relative-path-to-private-files-backup-file] --with-public-files [relative-path-to-public-files-backup-file]
  • [sitename] - the name of the working site to which you want to restore your data.
  • [path to database backup file] - path to database backup file that you downloaded (this path should be a relative path from the current bench directory). The name of this file usually ends with ...-database.sql.gz
  • [relative-path-to-private-files-backup-file] - path to private files backup file that you downloaded (this path should be a relative path from the sites directory). The name of this file usually ends with ...-private-files.tar
  • [relative-path-to-public-files-backup-file] - path to public files backup file that you downloaded (this path should be a relative path from the sites directory). The name of this file usually ends with ...-files.tar
Restoring only the database
  • If you prefer to restore only the database, you can do so by running the following bench command.
bench --site [sitename] --force restore [path to database backup file]

Version 8 (Frappe Bench)

  • Go to the frappe-bench folder
  • Run the following bench commands (to restore db and run latest)
  • Note: You can also restore using mysql
  • Note: If restoring from another machine, the sitename has to exist before you can restore the sql and files
bench --site [sitename] --force restore /path/to/SQLFILE
bench --site [sitename] migrate
  • Restore Files
cp /tmp/[FILES BACKUP EXTRACTED FOLDER/---/public/files/*] [BENCH]/sites/[SITENAME]/public/files/

Version 4 (Frappe Bench)

  • Go to the frappe-bench folder
  • Run the following frappe commands (to restore db and run latest)
  • Note: You can also restore using mysql
bench frappe --restore DBNAME SQLFILE
bench frappe [SITENAME] --latest
  • Restore Files
cp /tmp/[FILES BACKUP EXTRACTED FOLDER/---/public/files/*] [BENCH]/sites/[SITENAME]/public/files/

Version 3

  • Go to your ERPNext installation folder
  • When restoring from database, the 'Administrator' user password gets reset to 'admin'. To set a better password when restoring, set admin_password variable in to the desired 'Administrator' user password.
  • Restore database using:
lib/ --install [DATABASE NAME] /tmp/[DATABASE BACKUP FILE.sql]
  • Copy extracted files
cp /tmp/[FILES BACKUP EXTRACTED FOLDER/---/public/files/*] [YOUR ERPNEXT INSTALLATION]/public/files/
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