Formula to install and configure etcd on Linux and MacOS.
See the full Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions. Refer to pillar.example and defaults.yaml for configurable values.
Metastate for all the software and service deployment states.
Installs etcd version by downloading the archive from github and extracting it to the {{ etcd.prefix }} directory.
Configure launchd, systemd, or upstart configuration, this will copy. Setup linux alternatives if enabled and supported.
Enable linux alternatives by setting nonzero 'altpriority' pillar value; otherwise feature is disabled.
Ensure the etcd service is registered and (re)started on minion.
Ensure the etcd service is stopped on minion.
Ensure that an etcd container with a specific configuration is present and running. Requires Docker to be running - you could run docker
state from docker-formula
to ensure this requirement.
State top file:
base: '*': - docker #saltstack-formulas/docker-formula - etcd.docker.running #saltstack-formulas/etcd-formula
Ensure that etcd container is stopped