MARC2RDF - a ruby toolkit to convert bibliographic MARC to RDF by YAML mapping
Copyright (C) 2012 Benjamin Rokseth
Purpose: Convert binary/xml marc to semantic markup using yaml mapping file
Import into RDF triplestore and maintain via OAI-PMH harvesting
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>."
The toolkit consists of three parts:
- marc2rdf.rb -- a ruby script to convert binary MARC records to RDF (ntriples, turtle or rdf/xml)
- oai_harvester.rb -- a ruby script (cronjob) to harvest and convert MARC records from an OAI_PMH repository and update a RDF triplestore
- harvester.rb -- a ruby script to harvest bibliographical metadata via SPARQL or XML APIs, and convert to semantic triples (RDF) and optionally import to existing RDF store
Clone this repository form github
This creates a subdirectory called marc2rdf
- Either install ruby via rvm (Ruby Version Manager) or install ruby-dev
(for ruby and rdf-xml support)
sudo apt-get install ruby-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby rubygems
Debian adds a version postfix to the ruby executebles. Thus all references to ruby
and references to gem
becomes gem1.8
Install RubyGems bundler
sudo gem install bundler
If you can not or do not want to install RubyGems into system folder locations, please have a look at
Install needed gems given in Gemfile:
cd marc2rdf bundle install
Copy needed configuration files
cp ./config/config.yml-dist ./config/config.yml cp ./config/harvesting.yml-dist ./config/harvesting.yml
Now you are ready to make changes to the YAML mappings as needed to fit your system
- Recommended triplestore is OpenLink Virtuoso, minimum version 6.1.3
- any other triplestore should work fine, though, as long as it supports SPARQL 1.1 UPDATE LANGUAGE
sudo apt-get install virtuoso-opensource
Debian squeeze does not have a recent version of Virtuoso. Please compile from source as described in Debian wheezy comes with Virtuoso version 6.1.4
Command line options are listed by running either of the three scripts.
A typical conversion consists of:
- converting an entire MARC binary record set with marc2rdf.rb.
- splitting up and importing result RDF to a triplestore
- setting up cron job to use OAI-PMH repository with oai_harvester.rb
- adding sources to harvest and reap the internet with harvester.rb
Before conversion, care must be taken to setup config files under ./config
three config files are needed:
- config.yml (file and RDF repository settings)
- harvesting.yml (sources and settings for harvesting)
- mappingfile.yml (MARC to RDF mapping)
examples on all three are under ./config
Excerpt of YAML mapping given below.
For full list of functions see example YAML file 'config/mapping-normarc2rdf.yml' based on NORMARC variant of USMARC
- tag numbers can be regex (e.g. "^5(?!71)" for 500-599 minus 571)
- predicates are given in format PREFIX.suffix and non-standard prefixes must exist in ./lib/rdfmodeler.rb
- objects prefixes must be exploded
- predicates can be conditionally mapped from subfields or indicators
- objects can have language tags given as symbols (:se, :en_UK etc)
- objects can be mapped key => values
- relations can have subfields
- string replace non-ascii characters to create uris
- oai harvester uses same mapping as marc2rdf given in config.yml
- erronemous 000 marc field in normarc can be removed with perl script ./tools/
- marc2rdf.rb -- main ruby script to convert NORMARC file to RDF
- oai.rb -- oai harvester skript to harvest and update rdf store
- lib/
- string_replace.rb
- rdfmodeler.rb
- sparql_update.rb
- config/
- config-dist.yml -- config file
- mapping-normarc2rdf.yml -- example mapping file: NORMARC tags to rdf mapping
- mapping-normarc2rdf-with-authorities.yml -- example mapping file: NORMARC tags to rdf mapping with authorities
- mapping-normarc2rdf_bildebaser.yml -- example mapping file: image base in NORMARC
- hamsun_fikset.mrc -- test NORMARC file
- output.rdf -- test output RDF with -r 50 (50 records)
uses yaml hashes mapping. Example excerpt:
orig: 'arr|bearb|biogr|dir|fort|foto|...|utøv'
arr: DEICHMAN.musicalArranger
bearb: DC.contributor
biogr: DEICHMAN.biographer
dir: DEICHMAN.director
eks: DEICHMAN.performer
forf: DC.creator
fort: DC.narrator
foto: DEICHMAN.photographer
utøv: DEICHMAN.performer
default: DC.contributor
- a
- b
- d
combinestring: '_'
urlize: true
regex_strip: '[^\w\-]+'
datatype: uri
class: FOAF.Person
predicate: RADATANA.catalogueName
datatype: literal
predicate: XFOAF.nationality
datatype: uri
prefix: ''
regex_strip: '[\W]+'
relation subfield relations should accept different classes
- ruby >= 1.8.7
- ruby-marc (thanks to Ross Singer
- rdf.rb (thanks to Arto Bendiken for the brilliant RDF library for ruby)
- rdf-rdfxml.rb (requires development libraries libxml2 and libxslt1)
- rest-client
- oai
- sparql/client from git, branch virtuoso_update