Collabosphere is a collection of Instructure Canvas Basic LTI tools, allowing for innovative functionality to be added to any course site:
The Asset Library is a place where students and instructors can collect relevant materials for the course. The materials can be seen by the other students in the class and can be discussed, liked, disliked, etc.
The Whiteboarding Tool allows for students to collaboratively work on whiteboards. Whiteboards can be used to remix assets from the Asset Library, create mindmaps, provide feedback, etc.
The Engagement Index provides a leaderboard based on the student's activity in the course. The Engagement Index will record activities such as discussion posts, likes, comments, etc.
Note: this documentation is currently limited to OS X.
Collabosphere uses PostgresSQL as its database. In order to set up PostgresSQL and the required database and database users, the following steps should be taken:
# Install postgres
brew install postgresql
# Start postgres
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
# Create a database and user
psql template1
template1=# CREATE USER collabosphere WITH PASSWORD 'collabosphere';
template1=# CREATE DATABASE collabosphere;
template1=# CREATE DATABASE collabospheretest;
template1=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE collabosphere TO collabosphere;
template1=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE collabospheretest TO collabosphere;
In order to install and start the Collabosphere app server, the following steps should be taken:
# Clone the Collabosphere codebase
git clone git://
Ensure you have the following packages installed and available in your $PATH
Node.JS and NPM
Cairo and all its dependencies. On RHEL systems the following packages have to be installed:
- cairo
- cairo-devel
- cairomm-devel
- libjpeg-turbo-devel
- pango
- pango-devel
- pangomm
- pangomm-devel
- giflib-devel
Check out the node-canvas installation wiki for more information.
## Node modules
Depending on your X11 installation you might have to explicitly set the PKG_CONFIG
environment variable
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig
npm install
node app
By default, Collabosphere will poll the Canvas API for any new activities that are included in the
engagement index. Whether polling should be enabled and how often it should run can be configured
in the canvasPoller
section of the configuration file.
You will need to configure a Canvas API key for a user, preferably a global Canvas administrator, that is able to list the:
- users
- assignments and all their submissions
- discussion
The production build will:
- Concatenate and revision all vendor files (angular, bootstrap, etc..)
- Concatenate and revision all application javascript files
- Concatenate and revision all CSS files
- Concatenate and revision all HTML fragments
- Optimize and revision images
- Replace all references to any changed assets in the
A build can be generated by running gulp build