These are Docker images to work with ZeroSim There are two Docker images:
- ROS only Docker that contains all the ROS specific packages for working with ZeroSim.
- ROS + VNC server that allows running ROS GUI applications like RViz and RQT.
First build ROS Docker:
docker build --no-cache -t zerosim_ros -f docker/base/Dockerfile .
Next build ROS+VNC Docker:
docker build --no-cache -t zerosim_ros_vnc -f docker/vnc/Dockerfile .
# 11311 = ROS Master
# 9090 = ROS Bridge
# 8083 = VNC
# DO_CATKIN_BUILD=1 Automatically does a catkin build at startup
docker run -it --rm \
--publish=9090:9090 \
--publish=11311:11311 \
--publish=8083:8083 \
--name my_zerosim_vnc_docker \