Automation Hub is a Service which makes device automation as easy as possible by reducing the pain of starting stopping and observing devices. Its current focus is on Game UITesting as most of the other available solutions leek certain features.
- Android Devices (via USB ADB)
- Android Emulator (via ADB)
- Android Device Cloud(s) (via remote ADB)
- iOS Simulator (via xcrun)
- iOS Devices
- Unity Editor
- device handling like starting, stopping and observing devices
- easy to use web interface
- building test scenarios for more complex test cases (app migration, backend compatibility tests)
- running tests on real devices
- running tests on unity editor
- building test reports
- measure performance on test runs
- provide native ui testing
- Android ADB
- XCode
you can install the hub via brew on macos its part of a private tap for now.
brew install fsuhrau/tap/automationhub
to run the hub it needs a basic configuration you can create your configuration by running the configuration wizard.
for a more complex configuration you can checkout the example_config.yaml
hub configure
to run the hub you need a configuration check the configuration set Configure
hub master --config config.yaml
it will start observing the device state and provide an api and webinterface via ip on port 8002 Link
the configure command can create a launchagent script to run the hub as a service
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.automationhub.master.plist