A collection of miscellaneous scripts for Linux. Many are simple wrapper scripts e.g. to grant root access for specific commands or to map them to keys.
Included are scripts that I use for the system monitor tool conky and awesomeWM
All scripts are written by me if not specified otherwise. They are licensed under APL 2.0 (see the license file).
Depends on the scripts. Most are very short and simple so usage is self-explanatory.
Some of the more interesting scripts are described here.
Reads information via dbus about currently playing music from Clementine. Displays 5 lines as well as the album cover in conky format.
A script that colorizes a value depending on where it lies between a min and a max value. The color used is as far between the two passed colors as the value is between min and max.
Lua script that uses gcalcli to access the google calendar API. Information about a number of upcoming appointments is gathered and formatted to be displayed in conky.
Checks whether a WAN address is available and prints it or a text informing about no connection.
Helper-script which merely updates the package database. This is useful for privileges via the sudoers file.
Checks AC connection and sets backlight accordingly.
Checks whether a file has been modified today. If not, a reminder is spoken and the file is opened.
Toggles compton; mapped to a hotkey.
Toggles between performance and powersave CPU govenor.
Runs simple replacement which prevents fullscreen flash windows from closing when they lose focus. Must be applied after updates.
Recursively searches for directories containing git repositories and asks the user whether the repo should be pulled/notifies the user if local commits exist.
Calls logcat-colorize with parameters (like path to adb logcat).
Slightly adjusted source found here and compiled. Called by logcat.
Uses xrandr to toggle second monitor. Mapped to key.
Merges the logs from several repos into one and runs gource on the combined log.
Adds "day separator" line in my cron history log.
Checks whether battery thresholds are set, if not then they're set.
Perl script from here that counts the words in .tex source files.
Recursively calls texcount.pl on .tex files in directory and subdirectories and sums up the words. Used for multi-source tex projects.
Collects the lecture hours from the Coventry University timetable webpage and creates corresponding entries in a Google calendar.
Translates highlighted text to german and displays the result with naughty.
Powers off or hibernates and restarts directly to the "windows" Syslinux label.