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Contribution Guidelines

Cody Richter edited this page May 21, 2020 · 1 revision

Step 1: Make a branch

Before you do any changes or even write any code, make sure to make a new branch to keep track of all your changes. This can be done using the git command checkout with a -b flag. In order to create a new branch and give it a meaningful name, you could write something like this in your cmd:

git checkout -b ui_overhaul_in_mentorship_page

This command will create a new branch called ui_overhaul_in_mentorship_page.

Step 2: Make changes

Once you created a new branch go ahead and make all the changes you need, this is perhaps the easiest part of it all (/s).

Step 3: Push your new branch to github

After you make all your changes and commit then to you new branch. Upload this branch to GitHub by typing something like this on your cmd.

git push -u origin ui_overhaul_in_mentorship_page

This will upload your branch to our remote repository on github (and will make it possible for others to review your code)

Step 4: Make a pull request

So after you upload your new branch to Github you have to make a pull request. A pull request is a way to say "hey here are all the changes I've made compared to the master branch". Pull request allow us to see the changes that have been made and merge them to the master branch.

Making a pull request is straightforward.


Go to the repository that you're pushing your code to. and click the "Compare and Pull Request Button". (See image below)


Write a description and title to the pull request and click on "Create Pull Request". (See image below)

Then Again

After creating the pull request, a member of the HackUMass Tech Team will review it and leave feedback. (See image below)


After your pull request has been reviewed, there are two possible outcomes. Either the reviewer will leave feedback for you to address before merging, or it will be approved and your branch will be merged into the master branch!

In Summary

Collaboration with code online can be tricky to do well. It might be challenging to follow this process initially, but it helps us be accountable for our code and it helps us become better programmers. While you may have other preferred methods of conducting code review, the HackUMass Tech Team kindly asks you to use this procedure to streamline the process for everyone. Happy coding!