The greatest extensions for images for those who want to save storage or want to waste storage
Image | .png | .gpng | Saved Storage |
720p Forest | 4MB | 1MB | 75% |
1080p Screenshot | 111KB | 53KB | 52.2523% |
4K Burj Khalifa | 6MB | 4MB | 33.3333% |
Image | .png | .gpng | Wasted Storage |
720p Forest | 4MB | 22MB | 450% |
1080p Screenshot | 111KB | 13MB | 11611.7% |
4K Burj Khalifa | 6MB | 102MB | 1600% |
When the program converts the png to gpng it archives it, and when you open the image the gpng file will unarchive somewhere in the memory
When using to Save Storage
convert.exe image.png image.gpng true
When using to Waste Storage
convert.exe image.png image.gpng false
When trying to open image
convert.exe image.gpng
When trying to convert gpng to image
convert.exe image.gpng image.png
convert.exe C:\Users\gabaihype\Desktop\gpng\dubai4k.png dubai4k.gpng true
convert.exe dubai4k.gpng
convert.exe C:\Users\gabaihype\Desktop\gpng\dubai4k.png dubai4k.gpng false
convert.exe dubai4k.gpng
i dont even know, i just had the idea of making this