High performant chart rendering on canvas.
- Meant to be fast, reduced CPU and memory usage
- Rendering real time data
- Responsive
- Currently supports line and barchart
- Hover callback
const rtChart = new RealTimeChart(document.getElementById('canvas'));
rtChart.addChartData([10, 20, 30]);
rtChart.addChartData({id: 'uniqId', value: 10});
rtChart.addChartData([{id: 'uniqId1', value: 10}, {id: 'uniqId2', value: 20}, {id: 'uniqId3', value: 30}]);
- paddingBottom - extra padding from bottom
paddingBottom: 20, //Number
- paddingRight - extra padding from right
paddingRight: 20, //Number
- legend - legend containing colors, ids and titles
legend: [{
id: 1, //Custom identifier
color: '#846f08',
title: 'Gold',
id: 2,
color: '#2cabe3',
title: 'Revenue',
- showRuler - show the min max and the central value
showRuler: true, //Boolean
- showFrame
showFrame: true, //Boolean
- width - width of the canvas
width: 300, //Number
- height - height of the canvas
height: 300, //Number
- frameColor
frameColor: '#ddd', //RGB(A), HEX
- textColor
textColor: '#313131', //RGB(A), HEX
- minValue - minimum value of the incoming date
minValue: 1, //Number
- maxValue - maximum value of the incoming data
maxValue: 600, //Number
- totalElement - how many elements are going to be seen on the chart
totalElement: 20, //Number
- type - type of the chart
type: 'line|bar', //Line or Bar chart
- onHover - callback for for hover status on the chart, returning the data for the hovered element
onHover: (data) => {}, //Function
- waitWindowLoad - wait settings to be configured only after window load happened
waitWindowLoad: true, //Boolean
- isResponsive - should the canvas resize when window resize
isResponsive: false, //Boolean
- calcMaxValue - calculate the max value according to the input, new max value is increased by 10%. (newMaxValue = inputValue + inputValue * 0.1)
calcMaxValue: false, //Boolean
More examples are in the examples folder.
npm run build
npm run prettier
- tests
- other type of charts
- more examples
- commenting the code