Behavioral ecology is the intersection of animal behavior and ecological function, whether on long (evolutionary) or short timescales. I am particularly interested in large social carnivores, such as wolves. However, my interests extend past pure science into conservation issues, especially community conservation.
I am interested in many topics that are not related to my field of study (my YouTube watch history is full of random space stuff). However, code is more than a side interest as it serves me extensively in my line of work. I've used code to streamline data entry via a GUI during fieldwork, managed and cleaned up data during analysis, created GIS maps, and am now creating population modeling tools for small conservation teams. These are the languages I've worked with:
- Rust
- Python
- R
- Swift
- Java
- Spotty uses of HTML, SQL, etc
Although I'm still very much in the process of improving at coding, I hope to ultimately combine my skillset in biology with strong foundations in computer science to achieve scientific, academic, and conservation goals.
- Senior-year Environmental Studies Student at Prescott College
- Single semester non-degree student at the University of Colorado Boulder to take more advanced math, physics, and statistics classes than are available at Prescott
- Working on my senior project, a population dynamics simulation tool
- Looking for a PhD program!
- Wildlife Photography
- 3D Graphics and Animation with Blender
- 2D Graphics and Drawing (more recently)