This is a NodeJS serverless REST application written around the npm package of sentiment to perform sentiment analysis on a text input. It was built using the Serverless framework. The Cloud framework the deployment is for is AWS.
It fulfills the following checkpoints for any Serverless Express App:
- Good project structure
- Error handling (Sync and Async errors)
- Robust validation layer using AJV
- Integration test cases with the Jest framework
- Modularity in code
- Prettier configured to maintain a consistent coding style
> npm i -g serverless aws-sdk
> yarn # Installs all the packages
> yarn dev # Runs the express app locally on localhost:3000
> yarn test # Runs the Jest test suits once
> yarn test:watch # Runs Jest in watch mode => Use it during development
> yarn test:coverage # Runs Jest test coverage report => Aim to keep it above 95%
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/dev/api/sentiment/analyze' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>' --data-raw '{ "text":"I am happy" }'
# Configure your AWS_KEY and SECRET_KEY. Make sure you have correct IAM permissions to deploy the features onto AWS
> aws configure
> yarn deploy # Deploys the serverless app on API Gateway stage 'dev' by default
> yarn deploy:prod # Deploys the serverless app on API Gateway stage 'prod' => Check package.json
- Write out a API documentation using the OPEN API 3 Specification.
- Build out more features and expose more endpoints for the sentiment analyzer. (🤷♂️️)