FKWFontPicker is a font picker control using UIPickerView.
KWFontPicker *fontPicker = [[KWFontPicker alloc] init];
[fontPicker setChangeHandler:^{
NSLog(@"fontName=%@ pointSize=%.1f", fontPicker.font.fontName, fontPicker.font.pointSize);
[self.view addSubview:fontPicker];
The following KWTextEditor would help to use the picker in most cases.
KWTextEditor provides a toolbar which has [Keyboard], [Font] and [Close] buttons upon KWFontPicker or iOS's software keybaord.
KWTextEditor* textEditor = [[KWTextEditor alloc] initWithTextView:textView];
[textEditor setScrollView:self.scrollView];
[textEditor showInView:self.view];
Available font names are shown on the left side of KWFontPicker. All fonts in iOS are listed per default. You could specify names with NSArray:
textEditor.fontPicker.fontList = @[ @"AmericanTypewriter", @"Baskerville",
@"Copperplate", @"Didot", @"EuphemiaUCAS", @"Futura-Medium", @"GillSans",
@"Helvetica", @"Marion-Regular", @"Optima-Regular", @"Palatino-Roman",
@"TimesNewRomanPSMT", @"Verdana"];
Available font sizes are shown on the center of KWFontPicker. You could specify sizes by range:
textEditor.fontPicker.minFontSize = 10;
textEditor.fontPicker.maxFontSize = 30;
textEditor.fontPicker.stepFontSize = 4;
or by NSArray:
textEditor.fontPicker.sizeList = @[ @9.5, @13.5, @17.5, @21.5, @25.5 ];
Available font colors are shown on the right side of KWFontPicker. 125 colors, which means 5 levels each for RGB, are listed per default. You could specify sizes by range:
textEditor.fontPicker.colorVariants = KWFontPickerColorVariantsNone; // no colors. use grayscales
textEditor.fontPicker.colorVariants = KWFontPickerColorVariants222; // 8 colors
textEditor.fontPicker.colorVariants = KWFontPickerColorVariants333; // 27 colors
textEditor.fontPicker.colorVariants = KWFontPickerColorVariants444; // 64 colors
textEditor.fontPicker.colorVariants = KWFontPickerColorVariants555; // 125 colors = default
textEditor.fontPicker.colorVariants = KWFontPickerColorVariants666; // 216 colors = web safe color
textEditor.fontPicker.grayVariants = 2; // black and white
textEditor.fontPicker.grayVariants = 16; // 16 gradients of grayscale
or by NSArray:
textEditor.fontPicker.colorList = @[
[UIColor blackColor], [UIColor grayColor], [UIColor whiteColor],
[UIColor redColor], [UIColor yellowColor], [UIColor greenColor],
[UIColor cyanColor], [UIColor blueColor], [UIColor purpleColor]];
Following handler blocks are available.
[textEditor setTextDidChangeHandler:^{
NSLog(@"TextDidChangeHandler: text=%@", textView.text);
[textEditor setFontDidChangeHandler:^{
NSLog(@"fontDidChangeHandler: fontName=%@ pointSize=%.1f", textView.font.fontName, textView.font.pointSize);
[textEditor setEditorDidShowHandler:^{
NSString *mode = @"";
if (textEditor.editorMode == KWTextEditorModeKeyboard) mode = @"keyboard";
if (textEditor.editorMode == KWTextEditorModeFontPicker) mode = @"font picker";
NSLog(@"editorDidShowHandler: %@", mode);
[textEditor setEditorDidHideHandler:^{
[textEditor setCloseButtonDidTapHandler:^{
textEditor.keyboardButton.title = @"TEXT";
textEditor.fontButton.title = @"FONT";
textEditor.closeButton.title = @"DONE";
Yusuke Kawasaki
The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise.
Copyright 2012-2013 Yusuke Kawasaki