#Marklogic ANT Tasks Library
Provides various support for MarkLogic Functionality to use in Build Deployment Scenarios
- Latest Marklogic xcc.jar
- Task Specific Dependencies:
- corb task dependencies : corb.jar
- xqdoc task dependencies : xqdoc-ml.jar;saxon9he.jar;antlr-2.7.5.jar
##Using MarkLogic Ant Tasks
The following is a basic project that defines the required information for ant to process your MarkLogic Ant Tasks.
<!--Define ml namespace in project root element-->
<project name="ML Ant Tasks" xmlns:ml="http://www.marklogic.com/ant">
<!--Set you the classpath to where your mlant.jar file is located.
Include any other dependent jar files required to execute tasks
noted in Dependencies section.
<path id="mlant-classpath">
<fileset dir="${lib-dir}">
<include name="xcc.jar" />
<include name="mlant.jar" />
<include name="corb.jar"/>
<include name="saxon9he.jar"/>
<include name="xqdoc-ml.jar"/>
<include name="antlr-2.7.5.jar"/>
<include name="xqdoc-ml.jar"/>
Setup the type definition and assign classpathref to mlant-classpath
<!--Optional: Set the property for xccstring used to connect to MarkLogic database-->
<property name="xccstring" value="xcc://test:test@localhost:9090/Docs">
<!--Create a target element and use the tasks-->
<target name="test-query">
<ml:query xccurl="${xccstring}" query="'Hello World'">
<!--Have Fun-->
##ANT Tasks
Task Name | Description |
load | Loads content from output of a fileset to MarkLogic Database |
delete | Deletes content from MarkLogic database |
query | Allows Adhoc query or set of queries to be run against a MarkLogic instance residing in a filesystem |
invoke | Invoke an XQuery Module against a MarkLogic database |
spawn | Spawns an XQuery Module against a MarkLogic database |
Experimental Tasks | |
corb | Executes a corb job against MarkLogic database |
xqsync | Generates XQSync documents against a list of files in a filesystem directory |
Description: Load content from filesystem into MarkLogic database. Note the default behavior is to load each file as a single transaction. To load all files as a single transaction use the bulkLoad=true parameter.
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
xccurl | XCC Connection string | Yes |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No |
contenttype | Sets the default contentType for defined docset. This parameter is useful there is an unknown mimetype and you want to explicitly set the type. Value can be xml|binary|text. | No, default=false |
Element Name | Description | Required |
docset | Defines the uri where the content will be loaded and additional permissions, collections and fileset residing on local filesystem. | Yes |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No |
bulkload | Determines if the load task is done in a single transaction or multiple transactions. The default is false |
<ml:load xccurl="${xccstring}">
<ml:docset destdir="/test-dir/">
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="execute" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="insert" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="read" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="update" />
<ml:collection name="collection1" />
<ml:collection name="collection2" />
<fileset dir="../src" includes="**/*" />
Description: Deletes files/directories/collections from MarkLogic database.
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
xccurl | XCC Connection string | Yes |
documents | Comma Seperated List of document uris to delete | No |
directories | Comma Seperated List of directory uris to delete | No |
collections | Comma Seperated List of collection names to delete | Yes |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No default=false |
Example: Deletes files from various documents, directories, or collections
<ml:delete xccurl="${xccstring}"
Run AdHoc queries against Marklogic database. Queries can a single query using @query attribute or multiple queries by passing a <fileset/>
element. The fileset files must be main modules in order to be executed.
Attribute | Description | Required |
xccurl | XCC Connection string | Yes |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No |
query | XQuery code to execute. At least the query attribute or a fileset is required to execute a given query task. | No |
output | File system path to write output for queries. If not set will write output to standard output | No |
appendOutput | Boolean value to determine if any output is appended to the output uri value | No default=false |
Element | Description | Required |
fileset | When passed allows execution of multiple xquery files given a file vector | No |
paramset | Allows parameters to be passed to query or query files. | No |
<ml:query xccurl="${xccstring}" query="1 + 2">
Example 2:(Passing External Arguments against query attribute)
<ml:query xccurl="${xccstring}" query="
declare variable $NAME as xs:string external;
declare variable $TIMES as xs:integer external;
for $in in (1 to $TIMES)
return $NAME
<ml:param name="NAME" ns="" type="string" value="Michael"/>
<ml:param name="TIMES" ns="" type="integer" value="3"/>
Example 3: (Passing External Arguments to multiple xquery modules via a fileset) Same as Example 2 except the query is saved in test-parameters.xqy
<ml:query xccurl="${xccstring}">
<fileset file="${basedir}/testcases/test-parameters.xqy"/>
<ml:param name="NAME" ns="" type="string" value="Douglass"/>
<ml:param name="TIMES" ns="" type="integer" value="3"/>
Description: Invokes a mainModule at a given uri. The module must exists in the modules database configured for the app-server.
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
xccurl | XCC Connection string | Yes |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No |
moduleuri | The location of the URI relative to the module root defined in the appserver | Yes |
Element | Description | Required |
paramset | Allows parameters to be passed to query or query files. | No |
options | Invoke options to control invocation | No |
<ml:invoke xccurl="${xccstring}" moduleUri="test/test.xqy">
<ml:param name="foo" ns="" type="string" value="Douglass"/>
Description : Spawns a task on the Marklogic Task Server against a given moduleUri. The moduleUri must exist in the modules database for the appserver. ####Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
xccurl | XCC Connection string | Yes |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No |
moduleuri | The location of the URI relative to the module root defined in the appserver | Yes |
Element | Description | Required |
paramset | Allows parameters to be passed to query or query files. | No |
Example 1: Spawns the 'test/test.xqy' passing parameter name foo.
<ml:spawn xccurl="${xccstring}" moduleUri="test/test.xqy">
<ml:param name="foo" ns="" type="string" value="Douglass"/>
Description: Executes a Corb task. This is a wrapper for the corb.jar. The latest version of corb.jar can be found at here: https://github.com/marklogic/corb
Attribute | Description | Required |
xccurl | XCC Connection string | Yes |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No default=false |
module | location of the file Module to execute when processing a given document uri. The file must be a path located on the filesystem. | Yes |
collection | collection for uri selection | No |
urismodule | Custom uri module to invoked to select uris to process | No |
moduledb | Modules database to use when executing the module | No |
threads | Number of threads to run in parrallel when processing requests | No default=1 |
install | Determines whether modules should be installed before executing the corb process. It is important to note if the modules URI | No default=false |
<ml:corb xccurl="${xccstring}"
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
failonerror | Determines wether an exception will cause task to fail | No |
##Nested Elements
Description : Sets the directory uri location for loading content into database via ml:load task. ####Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
destdir | The destination directory appended to all loaded documents | Yes |
<ml:docset destdir="/test-dir/">
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="execute" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="insert" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="read" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="update" />
<ml:collection name="collection1" />
<ml:collection name="collection2" />
<fileset dir="../src" includes="**/*" />
Description: Defines set of permissions to assign using <load/>
####Nested Element Parameters
Element | Description | Required |
permission | Sequence of permission elements | Yes |
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="execute" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="insert" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="read" />
<ml:permission role="nobody" permission="update" />
Description: Defines a permission to associate to a document when using <load/> task
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
role | Name of role for given permission | Yes |
permission | Capabality for given permission. Can be 'read', 'insert', 'update','execute'. Only one role/permission pair is allowed per <permission/> element | Yes |
<ml:permission role="role-name" permission="insert"/>
Element | Description | Required |
collection | One or more collection elements | Yes |
<ml:collection name="collection-name-1">
<ml:collection name="collection-name-2">
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
name | Name of a collection to add | Yes |
<ml:collection name="my-collection"/>
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
cacheresults | No | |
xqueryversion | No | |
effectivePointInTime | No | |
locale | No | |
autoRetryDelayMillis | No | |
maxAutoRetry | No | |
requestName | No | |
requestTimeLimit | No | |
resultBufferSize | No | |
timeoutMillis | No | |
timezone | No |
<!--Documentation not complete-->
####Nested Element Parameters
Element | Description | Required |
param | List of parameters elements to pass to query,invoke or spawn task | Yes |
<ml:param name="foo" ns="" type="string" value="Douglass"/>
Description: Defines a parameter definition.
####Attribute Parameters
Attribute | Description | Required |
name | Name of variable | Yes |
ns | Namespace of the variable. | Yes |
type | Type of the variable. | No, will cast to string if not set |
value | Value of the variable | Yes |
<ml:param name="foo" ns="" type="string" value="Douglass"/>