- Currently at Pints.AI - Developing secure & private AI solutions for finance
- Bitjar.xyz: Non-custodial crypto staking platform - Zero to crypto in a few minutes!🚀
- GitHired: Ultimate job application tracker for Software Developers
- Paired Up: A couple's app to plan, chat and record memories together ❤️
- Investronaut: Customisable drag-and-drop investment widgets on a dashboard (Stock market APIs, Notes etc.)
- Languages: Typescript,Javascript, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, SQL
- FE: NextJS, React, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion
- BE: ExpressJS, Postgres, Sequelize, MongoDB, Prisma
- Web3: Alchemy, Web3.js, MoonPay, 0x, CMC, CoinGeckoAPI
- Others: Firebase, Axios, Netlify, Juno.build, Supabase
- Singapore Blockchain Innovation Challenge (2024) - OpenRefinery.AI, Train2Earn Crowdsourcing platform
- Luno Annual Hackathon (2022) - #mykeysmycoins, Luno Web3 Wallet
- Luno Annual Hackathon (2021) - Gas price alerts
- NTU Garage@EEE IdeasJam (2020)
- Crypto.com Case Challenge (2019) - #Lock2Unlock
- "Quick outlook - Crypto in Asia 2022" - Gendora; Panelist
- Blockchain Blockbuster by MSEAA 2022; Panelist
- Rocket Academy SWE Bootcamp (FTBC13), Nodeflair Code for Tomorrow Scholarship Recipient