A series of files that can be used to generate an XML sitemap for sites running Statamic - a flat file CMS.
Developed by George Buckingham. Please feel free to use / re-distribute as you wish.
Simply copy the files into the relevant directories in your Statamic site structure. Easy!
By default the sitemap will include URL's for your homepage, all pages from your web root and entries inside a /blog/
content directory. You can control what URL's are included by editing the /_themes/your-theme/templates/sitemap.html
By default your homepage will have a priority of 1.0, and all other pages and entries will have a priority of 0.7. You can override the homepage priority in the /_themes/your-theme/templates/sitemap.html
file. To override the priority of pages and entries, simple add a YAML property named sitemap_priority'
to your content files.
You can view your sitemap at http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml.
My personal website and blog generates a sitemap using these files. You can view it here: http://georgebuckingham.com/sitemap.xml.