Backend for mapping suggestions using Typesense, to be used in Cocoda Mapping Tool.
Currently not yet stable.
- Node.js 20 or later
- A running Typesense server (v27)
- Access details need to be configured in
- Access details need to be configured in
# Install dependencies
npm ci
# Copy and adjust default config
cp config/config.default.json config/config.json
editor config/config.json
# Run setup (always use BARTOC URIs)
# Note: The first run will take a long time as a lot of data will have to be loaded from APIs. However, most data is cached, so subsequent runs will be much faster.
# Option 1: Setup each vocabulary separately
# BK
npm run setup ""
npm run setup ""
npm run setup ""
# Option 2: Provide multiple BARTOC URIs in the `schemes` field in `config/config.json` and run setup without parameters:
npm run setup
# Start the server (default port is 3021)
npm run start
The service offers a jskos-server compatible /search
endpoint. Currently supported query parameters: voc
(vocabulary URI, required), search
(search string, required), limit
(optional), offset
In Cocoda, it can be included as a suggestion registry like this (example for RVK and BK in a local instance):
"provider": "LabelSearchSuggestion",
"uri": "",
"schemes": [
"uri": ""
"uri": ""
"overrides": [
"uri": "",
"identifier": [
"search": "http://localhost:3021/search"
"uri": "",
"identifier": [
"search": "http://localhost:3021/search"
"notation": [
"prefLabel": {
"en": "coli-conc Suggestions (experimental, local)",
"de": "coli-conc Vorschläge (experimentell, lokal)"
Wikidata mappings could be included, but we need to implement the download
parameter in wikidata-jskos (#75) before we can integrate it here. As soon as that is implemented, all this to the config's mappingRegistries
"provider": "MappingsApi",
"uri": "",
"status": ""
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