Marked Markovian Arrival Processes (MMAPs) are a class of stochastic processes
used to model multi-class correlated arrivals at a queuing system.
M3A is a set of Matlab functions designed for computing the statistical descriptors
of MMAPs and fitting marked traces with MMAPs. The documentation of M3A is available
Installation Requirements
- A recent version of MATLAB, e.g., R2012 or above.
- KPC-Toolbox version 0.3.2 or above.
MATLAB Example
% S(i): inter-arrival time between i-th and (i-1)-th arrivals
% C(i): class of i-th arrival
load example.mat
T = m3afit_init(S,C)
MMAP = m3afit_auto(T,'NumStates',2)
M3A is released under BSD-3 license.
Giuliano Casale, Andrea Sansottera, Paolo Cremonesi,
*Compact Markov-Modulated Models for Multiclass Trace Fitting*,
European J. of Operational Research, INFORMS, 2016.
The development of this tool has been supported in part by the Horizon 2020 project DICE.