Make your own copy of the devfest project to your account.
# Clone from your forked repository
$ git clone [email protected]:[your_username]/devfest.git # for SSH
# or
$ git clone[your_username]/devfest.git # for HTTPS
# enter the project
$ cd devfest
# Add upstream connection to the original devfest repo
# This will help on contributing to the project and be updated
$ git remote add upstream
# We always start our work on the branch develop.
$ git checkout develop
# Always pull at develop branch for any changes
$ git pull
Please work the site on any UNIX type of system: Linux or MacOS. If you don't have any working Linux at your disposal (because you are working on Windows, please contact me immediately with your email)
# check if you have git
$ git
If you don't have git:
# for Ubuntu/debian
$ sudo apt-get install git
# for Fedora
$ yum -y install git
# for OSX
$ brew update
$ brew install git
You can check this via:
$ node --version
$ npm --version
If not, do the following:
# installs node version manager
# close terminal after installation and then reopen it again
$ curl -o- | bash
# install version node 6.11.2 and npm 3.+
$ nvm install 6.11.2
# makes it default
$ nvm alias default 6.11.2
$ npm i -g yarn bower karma-cli firebase-tools slush slush-polypack firebase-tools
Trust me, you will need them.
$ slush polypack:install
The devfest site is using a new experimental build called polypack, and it has an easy way to install dependencies. Just run the above command and it will install all dependencies of the project. If it doesn't work, this should be done
# on project folder
$ yarn install --flat
$ bower install
$ cd gulp
$ yarn install
$ cd ../functions
$ yarn install
$ cd ..
Go to your firebase account at and create a project
(you can name it anything you want but I suggest using devfest-{your_name}
Once done, login into your firebase account on the project:
$ firebase login
$ firebase use --add
Pick the newly created project: devfest-{your_name}
And then write it as staging.
This should create a .firebaserc
in your folder
And you're done.
To run the app.
$ npm start
You should be able to run the project at localhost:5000
NOTE: Make sure you setup Firebase since npm start
will return some errors.
If you want to run using your own http server, just run...
$ npm start -- --no-server
If you want to build the project without watching...
$ npm run build
If you want to build the project for production...
$ npm run build-production
Deploying it into your own Firebase account would simply be:
$ firebase deploy
The project can then be viewed in: https://devfest-{your-project-id}
See the CONTRIBUTING Guidelines
If you have any problem or suggestion please open an issue here.