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Geʾez Manuscript Zemen v1.1.0

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@dyacob dyacob released this 28 Sep 01:37
· 8 commits to master since this release

This is the second release of the “Geʾez Manuscript Zemen” project font of the Ethiopic Manuscript Unicode Font Initiative (EMUFI). Version 1.1 adds 84 numerals bringing the total number of numeral styles available to 24. A few punctuation marks receive shape refinements and all derived punctuation is given left and right space padding identical to their base counterparts.

This version of the font is intended for expert reviewers. It may be used for publishing reproductions of manuscripts, and in OCR projects, with the caveat that future versions of the font may not be fully compatible with the present version (thus, documents that employ this font would need to continue using it or be revised to use newer versions).

Extension Inventory Status

Symbol Type Count
Numbers 484
Punctuation & Marks 78
Ligatures 28
Variants 5
Qirts Notes 79
Bēt Markers 117
Total 791