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Plutarch Constant Terms

When evaluated, a constant Plutarch Term will always yield the same result. There are several ways of building constant Terms:

  • Statically building constant Terms from concrete Haskell values when we know the value at compile-time.
  • Dynamically building constant Terms from Haskell values, i.e. when the constant produced depends on a dynamic value.
  • Overloaded literal syntax
  • Helper functions

Static building of constant Terms with pconstant

If we know the desired value of a constant Term at compile-time, we can build the Term directly from Haskell synonyms. The function to do so is pconstant.

Constructing constants in this way utilizes the PConstant/PLift typeclasses. These typeclasses expose the following associated type familes:

type PLifted :: PType -> Type

type PConstanted :: Type -> PType

pconstant takes a single argument: a regular Haskell type with a PConstant/PLift instance, and yields a Plutarch term tagged with the corresponding Plutarch type.

The relation between the Plutarch type and its Haskell synonym is established by the type families. For any Haskell type h, PConstanted h is the corresponding Plutarch type. Similarly, for any Plutarch type p, PLifted p corresponds to the Haskell synonym.

Lawful instances shall obey the following invariants:

PLifted (PConstanted h) ~ h
PConstanted (PLifted p) ~ p

For example:

import Plutarch.Prelude

-- | A Plutarch level boolean. Its value is "True", in this case.
x :: Term s PBool
x = pconstant True

The familiar Bool has a PConstant instance and it corresponds to PBool (which has a PLift instance). Therefore PLifted PBool ~ Bool and PConstanted Bool ~ PBool.

You can also directly create a PAsData term using pconstantData:

import Plutarch.Prelude

-- | A Plutarch level boolean encoded as `Data`.
x :: Term s (PAsData PBool)
x = pconstantData True

Dynamic building of constant Terms with pcon

Sometimes the value that we want to treat as a constant Term is not known at compile time. To explain how to construct constants when we can only determine the value at runtime, we will examine the PMaybe Plutarch type. It can serve the same purpose as the Maybe type in Haskell: to represent the situation where computation may not produce a sensible result.

PMaybe has the following definition:

data PMaybe (a :: PType) (s :: S)
  = PJust (Term s a)
  | PNothing

and the following kind:

ghci> :k PMaybe
PMaybe :: PType -> S -> Type

Let's dissect what this means.

  • PMaybe builds a PType from a PType; given a PType, we can tag a computation with the type PMaybe a to indicate that its return value should is semantically either Just a or Nothing. Such a tagging would look like a value with the type Term s (PMaybe a).
  • PJust and PNothing are data constructors. They are not tags. PJust :: Term s a -> PMaybe (a :: PType) (s :: S) is a helper to signify the concept of Just x. It contains a Plutarch term.

Now suppose that we want to carry around a constant Term in a Plutarch script that can be either PJust a or PNothing. To do so, we need a function to go from PJust a (which we can instantiate as a Haskell value, unlike PInteger) to a Term s (PMaybe a). This function is pcon:

pcon :: a s -> Term s a

-- For example:

x :: Term s PInteger
x = pconstant 3

justTerm :: Term s (PMaybe PInteger)
justTerm = pcon (PJust x)

These types deserve some explaination.

  • We are familiar by now with the type of x; it is a computation that returns a value that can be interpreted as a Haskell integer if evaluated successfully (in this case, 3).
  • The type of justTerm represents a computation tagged with the PMaybe PInteger type.

That is, if we ask justTerm what it will return when evaluated, it responds, "You should interpret the value I give you as either Nothing or Just Integer." Of course, we know that the result will always be Just 3; but this is the general mechanism to declare a function requiring a Maybe.

The pcon function is a method of the PCon typeclass.

Overloaded literals

pconstant and pcon are the long-form ways of building constants. Specific constant Haskell literals are overloaded to help construct Plutarch constants. We provide two examples below.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Plutarch.Prelude

-- | A Plutarch level integer. Its value is 1, in this case.
x :: Term s PInteger
x = 1

-- | A Plutarch level string (this is actually `Text`). Its value is "foobar", in this case.
y :: Term s PString
y = "foobar"

Helper functions

Finally, Plutarch provides helper functions to build certain types of constants:

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Plutarch.Prelude

-- | A plutarch level bytestring. Its value is [65], in this case.
x :: Term s PByteString
x = phexByteStr "41"
-- ^ 'phexByteStr' interprets a hex string as a bytestring. 0x41 is 65 - of course.