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PIsDataRepr and

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328 lines (241 loc) · 14.8 KB

PIsDataRepr & PDataFields

PIsDataRepr allows for easily constructing and deconstructing Constr BuiltinData/Data values. It allows fully type safe matching on Data encoded values, without embedding type information within the generated script - unlike PlutusTx. PDataFields, on top of that, allows for ergonomic field access.

Aside: What's a Constr data value? Briefly, it's how Plutus Core encodes non-trivial ADTs into Data/BuiltinData. It's essentially a sum-of-products encoding. But you don't have to care too much about any of this. Essentially, whenever you have a custom non-trivial ADT (that isn't just an integer, bytestring, string/text, list, or assoc map) - and you want to represent it as a data encoded value - you should implement PIsDataRepr for it.

For example, PScriptContext - which is the Plutarch synonym to ScriptContext - has the necessary instances. This lets you easily keep track of its type, match on it, deconstruct it - you name it!

{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}

import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.Api.V1.Contexts
import qualified Plutarch.Monadic as P

foo :: Term s (PScriptContext :--> PString)
foo = plam $ \ctx ->
  purpose <- pmatch pfield @"purpose" # ctx
  case purpose of
    PMinting _ -> "It's minting!"
    PSpending _ -> "It's spending!"
    PRewarding _ -> "It's rewarding!"
    PCertifying _ -> "It's certifying!"

Note: The above snippet uses GHC 9 features (QualifiedDo). Be sure to check out Do syntax with TermCont.

Of course, just like ScriptContext - PScriptContext is represented as a Data value in Plutus Core. Plutarch just lets you keep track of the exact representation of it within the type system.

Here's how PScriptContext is defined:

newtype PScriptContext (s :: S)
  = PScriptContext
      ( Term
          ( PDataRecord
              '[ "txInfo" ':= PTxInfo
               , "purpose" ':= PScriptPurpose

It's a constructor containing a PDataRecord term. It has 2 fields- txInfo and purpose.

First, we extract the purpose field using pfield @"purpose":

pfield :: Term s (PScriptContext :--> PScriptPurpose)

Note: When extracting several fields from the same variable, you should instead use pletFields. See: Extracting fields

Aside: pfield is actually return type polymorhpic. It could've returned either PAsData PScriptPurpose and PScriptPurpose. In this case, GHC correctly infers that we actually want a PScriptPurpose, since pmatch doesn't work on PAsData PScriptPurpose!

Sometimes GHC isn't so smart, and you're forced to provide an explicit type annotation. Or you can simply use pfromData $ pfield .....

Now, we can pmatch on our Term s PScriptPurpose to extract the Haskell ADT (PScriptPurpose s) out of the Plutarch term:

pmatch :: Term s PScriptPurpose -> (PScriptPurpose s -> Term s PString) -> Term s PString

Now that we have PScriptPurpose s, we can just case match on it! PScriptPurpose is defined as:

data PScriptPurpose (s :: S)
  = PMinting (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PCurrencySymbol]))
  | PSpending (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PTxOutRef]))
  | PRewarding (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PStakingCredential]))
  | PCertifying (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PDCert]))

It's just a Plutarch sum type.

We're not really interested in the fields (the PDataRecord term), so we just match on the constructor with the familar case. Easy!

Let's pass in a ScriptContext as a Data value from Haskell to this Plutarch script and see if it works!

import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Interval
import qualified PlutusTx

mockCtx :: ScriptContext
mockCtx =
      (interval (POSIXTime 1) (POSIXTime 2))
    (Minting (CurrencySymbol ""))

> foo `evalWithArgsT` [PlutusTx.toData mockCtx]
Right (Program () (Version () 1 0 0) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf string "It's minting!"))))

Aside: You can find the definition of evalWithArgsT at Compiling and Running.

All about extracting fields

We caught a glimpse of field extraction in the example above, thanks to pfield. However, that barely touched the surface.

Once a type has a PDataFields instance, field extraction can be done with these 3 functions:

Each has its own purpose. However, pletFields is arguably the most general purpose and most efficient. Whenever you need to extract several fields from the same variable, you should use pletFields:

{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}

import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.Api.V1.Contexts
import qualified Plutarch.Monadic as P

foo :: Term s (PScriptContext :--> PUnit)
foo = plam $ \ctx' ->
  ctx <- pletFields @["txInfo", "purpose"] ctx'
    purpose = ctx.purpose
    txInfo = ctx.txInfo
  -- <use purpose and txInfo here>
  pconstant ()

Note: The above snippet uses GHC 9 features (QualifiedDo and OverloadedRecordDot). Be sure to check out Do syntax with TermCont and alternatives to OverloadedRecordDot.

In essence, pletFields takes in a type level list of the field names that you want to access and a continuation function that takes in an HRec. This HRec is essentially a collection of the bound fields. You don't have to worry too much about the details of HRec. This particular usage has type:

pletFields :: Term s PScriptContext
  -> (HRec
           '[ "txInfo" ':= PTxInfo, "purpose" ':= PScriptPurpose]
           '[ 'Bind, 'Bind]
      -> Term s PUnit)
  -> Term s PUnit

You can then access the fields on this HRec using OverloadedRecordDot.

Next up is pfield. You should only ever use this if you just want one field from a variable and no more. Its usage is simply pfield @"fieldName" # variable. You can, however, also use pletFields in this case (e.g. pletFields @'["fieldName"] variable). pletFields with a singular field has the same efficiency as pfield!

Finally, hrecField is merely there to supplement the lack of record dot syntax. See: Alternative to OverloadedRecordDot.

Note: An important thing to realize is that pfield and hrecField (or overloaded record dot on HRec) are return type polymorphic. They can return both PAsData Foo or Foo terms, depending on the surrounding context. This is very useful in the case of pmatch, as pmatch doesn't work on PAsData terms. So you can simply write pmatch $ pfield ... and pfield will correctly choose to unwrap the PAsData term.

Alternatives to OverloadedRecordDot

If OverloadedRecordDot is not available, you can also try using the record dot preprocessor plugin.

If you don't want to use either, you can simply use hrecField. In fact, ctx.purpose above just translates to hrecField @"purpose" ctx. Nothing magical there!

All about constructing data values

We learned about type safe matching (through PlutusType) as well as type safe field access (through PDataFields) - how about construction? Since PIsDataRepr allows you to derive PlutusType, and PlutusType bestows the ability to not only deconstruct, but also construct values - you can do that just as easily!

Let's see how we could build a PMinting PScriptPurpose given a PCurrencySymbol:

import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.Api.V1

currSym :: Term s PCurrencySymbol
purpose :: Term s PScriptPurpose
purpose = pcon $ PMinting fields
    currSymDat :: Term _ (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
    currSymDat = pdata currSym
    fields :: Term _ (PDataRecord '[ "_0" ':= PCurrencySymbol ])
    fields = pdcons # currSymDat # pdnil

All the type annotations are here to help!

This is just like regular pcon usage you've from PlutusType/PCon. It takes in the Haskell ADT of your Plutarch type and gives back a Plutarch term.

What's more interesting, is the fields binding. Recall that PMinting is a constructor with one argument, that argument is a PDataRecord term. In particular, we want: Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PCurrencySymbol ]). It encodes the exact type, position, and name of the field. So, all we have to do is create a PDataRecord term!

Of course, we do that using pdcons - which is just the familiar cons specialized for PDataRecord terms.

pdcons :: forall label a l s. Term s (PAsData a :--> PDataRecord l :--> PDataRecord ((label ':= a) ': l))

It takes a PAsData a and adds that a to the PDataRecord heterogenous list. We feed it a PAsData PCurrencySymbol term and pdnil - the empty data record. That should give us:

pdcons # currSymDat # pdnil :: Term _ (PDataRecord '[ label ':= PCurrencySymbol ])

Cool! Wait, what's label? It's the field name associated with the field, in our case, we want the field name to be _0 - because that's what the PMinting constructor wants. You can either specify the label with a type application or you can just have a type annotation for the binding (which is what we do here). Or you can let GHC try and match up the label with the surrounding environment!

Now that we have fields, we can use it with PMinting to build a PScriptPurpose s and feed it to pcon - we're done!

Implementing PIsDataRepr and friends

Implementing these is rather simple with generic deriving and PIsDataReprInstances. All you need is a well formed type using PDataRecord. For example, suppose you wanted to implement PIsDataRepr for the Plutarch version of this Haskell type:

data Vehicle
  = FourWheeler Integer Integer Integer Integer
  | TwoWheeler Integer Integer
  | ImmovableBox

You'd declare the corresponding Plutarch type as:

import Plutarch.Prelude

data PVehicle (s :: S)
  = PFourWheeler (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PInteger, "_1" ':= PInteger, "_2" ':= PInteger, "_3" ':= PInteger]))
  | PTwoWheeler (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PInteger, "_1" ':= PInteger]))
  | PImmovableBox (Term s (PDataRecord '[]))

Each field type must also have a PIsData instance. We've fulfilled this criteria above as PInteger does indeed have a PIsData instance. However, think of PBuiltinLists, as an example. PBuiltinList's PIsData instance is restricted to only PAsData elements.

instance PIsData a => PIsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData a))

Thus, you can use PBuiltinList (PAsData PInteger) as a field type, but not PBuiltinList PInteger.

Note: The constructor ordering in PVehicle matters! If you used makeIsDataIndexed on Vehicle to assign an index to each constructor - the Plutarch type's constructors must follow the same indexing order.

In this case, PFourWheeler is at the 0th index, PTwoWheeler is at the 1st index, and PImmovableBox is at the 3rd index. Thus, the corresponding makeIsDataIndexed usage should be:

PlutusTx.makeIsDataIndexed ''FourWheeler [('FourWheeler,0),('TwoWheeler,1),('ImmovableBox,2)]

Also see: Isomorphism between Haskell ADTs and PIsDataRepr

And you'd simply derive PIsDataRepr using generics. However, you must also derive PIsData and PlutusType using PIsDataReprInstances. For single constructor data types, you should also derive PDataFields.

Combine all that, and you have:

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP

import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.DataRepr (PIsDataReprInstances (PIsDataReprInstances))

data PVehicle (s :: S)
  = PFourWheeler (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PInteger, "_1" ':= PInteger, "_2" ':= PInteger, "_3" ':= PInteger]))
  | PTwoWheeler (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PInteger, "_1" ':= PInteger]))
  | PImmovableBox (Term s (PDataRecord '[]))
  deriving stock (GHC.Generic)
  deriving anyclass (Generic, PIsDataRepr)
    (PlutusType, PIsData)
    via PIsDataReprInstances PVehicle

Note: You cannot derive PIsDataRepr for types that are represented using Scott encoding. Your types must be well formed and should be using PDataRecord terms instead.

That's it! Now you can represent PVehicle as a Data value, as well as deconstruct and access its fields super ergonomically. Let's try it!

{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}

import Plutarch.Prelude
import qualified Plutarch.Monadic as P

test :: Term s (PVehicle :--> PInteger)
test = plam $ \veh' ->
  veh <- pmatch veh'
  case veh of
    PFourWheeler fwh' ->
      fwh <- pletFields @'["_0", "_1", "_2", "_3"] fwh'
      fwh._0 + fwh._1 + fwh._2 + fwh._3
    PTwoWheeler twh' ->
      twh <- pletFields @'["_0", "_1"] twh'
      twh._0 + twh._1
    PImmovableBox _ -> 0

Note: The above snippet uses GHC 9 features (QualifiedDo and OverloadedRecordDot). Be sure to check out Do syntax with TermCont and alternatives to OverloadedRecordDot.

What about types with singular constructors? It's quite similar to the sum type case. Here's how it looks:

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP

import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.DataRepr (
  PIsDataReprInstances (PIsDataReprInstances),

newtype PFoo (s :: S) = PMkFoo (Term s (PDataRecord '["foo" ':= PByteString]))
  deriving stock (GHC.Generic)
  deriving anyclass (Generic, PIsDataRepr)
    (PlutusType, PIsData, PDataFields)
    via PIsDataReprInstances PFoo

Just an extra PDataFields derivation compared to the sum type usage!