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Indenting code and installing the correct version of astyle

Menno Fraters edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 1 revision

To correctly indent the code in ASPECT you can use make indent or ninja indent depending on the build system you are using. The indenting script need version 2.04 of a program called astyle. If the indenting script complains that it could not find (the correct version of) astyle, you can find it here.

An easy way to install it is through using the following command in Linux: mkdir astyle && cd astyle && wget ' 2.04/astyle_2.04_linux.tar.gz' && tar -zxvf astyle_2.04_linux.tar.gz && cd astyle/build/gcc && make && sudo make install. This will create a new directory called astyle, download, unpack, compile and install it.