AutoMobile is mobile application where you can add your car and sell it. Other users can comment on your post and start Discussion.
This app uses pretty new features like StateFlow, ViewBinding,
How to use AutoMobile? First of all, you must register and log in. Registration is pretty simple just fill the fields and press 'რეგისტრაცია'. After successful registration you will go on main screen where you can see all the posts, you can sort posts as well.
How To Add Comment On Post? To comment on post you should press certain post and then scroll down, there are input field where you write your opinion or price anything you want.
How To Add My Own Post? On navigation tab in the middle there is pencil and paper icon, if you press it, you will navigate another screen where you can add car, just add photo, brand,model and description and simply press 'დამატება'.
How To Change Password or Profile Image. If you want to change the password or the profile image you should press the last icon on navigation tab, its settings screen, where you can press image and set the image you want from gallery, otherwise you want to change the password, just fill the fields which is passowrd and repeat password and press "შენახვა", that all new password has set!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.