-- Help Wanted --
I've not got the Windows setup to manage this library. If you have the time to help, It'd be greatly appreciated. <3
A simple library for Google Maps geolocation and reverse geolocation.
The easiest way to get hold of it is to install the Nuget package.
From the package manager console:
PM> Install-Package GoogleMaps.LocationServices
using GoogleMaps.LocationServices;
AddressData[] addresses = new AddressData[]
new AddressData // Belgium
Address = "Rue du Cornet 6",
City = "VERVIERS",
State = null,
Country = "Belgium",
Zip = "B-4800"
new AddressData
Address = "1600 Pennsylvania ave",
City = "Washington",
State = "DC"
new AddressData
Address = "407 N Maple Dr. #1",
City = "Beverly Hills",
State = "CA"
// Constructor has 3 overload
// No parameters. It does not use API Key
var gls = new GoogleLocationService();
// Boolean parameter to force the requests to use https
// var gls = new GoogleLocationService(useHttps: true);
// String paremeter that provides the google map api key
// var gls = new GoogleLocationService(apikey: "YOUR API KEY");
foreach (var address in addresses)
var latlong = gls.GetLatLongFromAddress(address);
var Latitude = latlong.Latitude;
var Longitude = latlong.Longitude;
System.Console.WriteLine("Address ({0}) is at {1},{2}", address, Latitude, Longitude);
catch(System.Net.WebException ex)
System.Console.WriteLine("Google Maps API Error {0}", ex.Message);