Plot-ho-matic is a GUI for high-performance real-time plotting with a convenient TreeView interface for selecting which elements to draw from a data structure. The focus is on ease of use, with optional advanced interfaces for more features.
The sister library Set-ho-matic is a GUI for editing haskell data and sending those changes to some running program. It can also query the program for it's latest data and has save and load features.
Both Plot-ho-matic and Set-ho-matic rely heavily on generic-accessors which uses GHC.Generics to create trees from haskell data.
See the hackage docs starting with the main PlotHo module for documentation. There is also an examples folder in the git repository.
"user error: out of memory" If you get this ^ error on OSX your cairo/pango/gtk may be linked to an XQuartz library. Add --extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/lib (or wherever the correct libraries are) to your .cabal/config
== Special thanks to Chart and gtk2hs, which do all the heavy lifting.