First assignment for AACM course, ECS @ University of Messina
contain all the necessary to load a graph from an edge list, supported graph are:
- Simple graph not weighted
- Simple graph weighted
- Directed graph not weighted
- Direct graph weighted
just clone this repo and import module into your project
from Graph import Graph
First you need to create an istance of Graph
Graph(edgeListFile, directed = None, weighted = None)
- edgeListFile -> required, is the path/file that contain the edge list
- directed -> optional because the algorithm will find if a graph is directed or not, but i suggest to specify if the graph is directed or not to avoid any issue.
- weighted -> optional because the algorithm will find if a graph is weighted or not, but i suggest to specify if the graph is weighted or not to avoid any issue.
that's all folks!!!
print graph details;
get vertrex number:
get vertrex list (prop=False -> only vetrex list, prop=True also vertrex properties)
get edges number :
get list of edges (log -> print log);
get edge ;
get_edge(u, v, log=False)
- u and v -> vetrex of node
- log -> print log
get degree of a vertrex (v) in a non directed graph;
get in Degree of a vertrex (v) in a directed graph:
degree(v, out=False)
get out Degree of a vertrex (v) in a directed graph:
degree(v, out=True) or degree(v)