Northcoders News is a reddit style back-end API for news app for Northcoder internal news. Articles and comments can be posted by users. App users can also upvote or downvote articles and comments.
Ensure you have at least NodeJS v10.1.0 and MongoDB v3.6.5 installed on your machine. JavaScript code has been written to ES6 standard.
- Fork and clone this repository to your machine
- Using terminal cd to the cloned directory and run this command:
npm install
- Create a directory named 'config' in the root of this repository. Create file 'index.js' in the config directory
- Open 'index.js' file and paste the following, save and close the file:
const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'dev';
const config = {
dev: {
DB_URL: `mongodb://localhost:27017/NC_news`
test: {
DB_URL: `mongodb://localhost:27017/test_NC_news`
module.exports = config[NODE_ENV]
- Open a new window and run the following command:
To run the tests run the following command in terminal:
npm test
The test file tests for the following:
- Positive testing of all endpoints
- Negative testing of all end points - tests for 400, 404 and 500 errors
These are all the end points:
- GET /api
- GET /api/topics
- GET /api/topics/:topic_slug/articles
- POST /api/topics/:topic_slug/articles
- GET /api/articles
- GET /api/articles/:article_id
- GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments
- POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments
- PUT /api/articles/:article_id?vote=up/down
- PUT /api/comments/:comment_id?vote=up/down
- DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id
- GET /api/users/:username
To seed local dev database run the following command in the terminal:
npm run seed:dev
If seeding is successful no errors should be returned and a message is returned to say that database has been seeded successfully.
Deployed app: NC News