This is an electron example that builds installers for different machine architecture and opperations system with the help of the community made Electron-builder for react apps.
This example builds for: Windows(32 bit and 64 bit) Linux(32 bit, 64 bit and armv7) MacOS(64 bit)
To make all the possible version write: npm run-script buildIntallers This builds the installers defined in the build section in package.json However depending on your OS you may need to install extra dependencies.
install Electron-builder globally: npm install -g electron-builder
then type: electron-builder --linux deb --x64
This makes an installer for linux distributions with the .deb pakcage running 64-bit architecture. For the full list of possible configurations see Electron-builders website
only the Linux installers(armv7l) is tested.
Make pipeline for generating all possible installers on github-actions.
Make the electron app start and update changes in development mode.
Sign windows executable.
Test the different versions.