This program uses a combination of Max(MSP), Javascript, Python, and MaxPy: a Python package for text-based generation and editing of MaxMSP patches. More info on that project and my involvement can be found here. Using a patch that I found on the internet that uses its own abstractions and is visually too confusing for me to understand completely how it works, I am able to use MaxPy to influence the important elements of the patch by simply searching for the most important objects that generatate sound, and then algorithmically connecting my Max abstraction patch to those objects. This example is used on the GitHub page for the MaxPy repository, as well as for a research paper submitted to the NIME 2023 Conference.
I break down the MaxPy code for this project in the YouTube video below.
If you want to follow along with the video or test this out on your own, feel free to download the files in this repository and head over to the MaxPy repository and follow the instructions for setting up MaxPy on your environment.