This role performs basic redmine 3.3 /3.4 / 4.x installation with apache and passenger. You have to add https support on your own, feel free to install redmine to lxc container managed by this role
Get with git clone roles/redmine
Tested on ubuntu 16.04.
Applied with ansible 2.6+
Role removes default apache config file.
This role depends on ruby-rvm role, you must create requirements.yml
ans use ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Example file:
- src:
name: coffeeitworks.ansible_role_ruby_rvm
Check them out on defaults/main.yml
You can change the redmine version with:
redmine_svn_version: 3.4
# This variable is used by role ruby-rvm and requires to be compatible with current redmine version
ruby_version: '2.4.5'
# To avoid errors like this we need to specify the bundler version:
# rails (= 4.2.11) was resolved to 4.2.11, which depends on\n
# bundler (< 2.0, >= 1.3.0)\n\n Current Bundler version:\n
# bundler (2.0.1)\nThis Gemfile requires a different version of Bundler
redmine_bundle_version: 1.17.3
redmine_bundler_gem: 'bundler -v "{{ redmine_bundle_version }}"'
- hosts: redmine_servers
become: yes
become_method: sudo
ruby_version: '2.3.6' # Depends on your redmine version
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
- role: ansible_redmine
tags: [ "redmine_servers" ]
# This role requires ruby-rvm
- role: ansible_redmine_plugins
tags: [ "redmine_servers", "redmine_servers_plugins"]
- role: ansible_redmine_git_sync
tags: [ "redmine_servers", "redmine_servers_git_sync"]
- role: ansible_redmine_emails
tags: [ "redmine_servers", "redmine_servers_emails"]
#- role: ansible_redmine_backup
# tags: [ "redmine_servers", "redmine_servers_backup"]
- role: postfix_client
tags: [ "postfix_clients", "redmine_servers_all" ]
The best option is to install a new machine with this role and move the database and data files to it, then run this role again to ensure all steps are updated for every plugin and gemfiles requirements.
But also in-place upgrade could be performed, but with a little of hand performed tasks.
For example I had to run as root:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
rm -rf /usr/local/rvm/
rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/redmine.conf
rm -rf /home/redmine/.rvm/
rm /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/passenger.conf
To ensure everything was clean before upgrading.
See also open issues at: