A realtime node message portal
- NodeJS
- ES6
- NodeMon
- body-parser
- ejs
- express
- JsonDB
- Install NodeJS 8.0 or higher.
- Run
npm install
in the _scripts folder - Run
npm run dev
in the _scripts folder
Try to do a post to http://localhost:3001/api/message
With the following body
"id": 1,
"roomNumber": 1,
"title": "A test message",
"message": "Put some message text in here",
"prio": 1
Then open up the browser again and go to: http://localhost:3001
Tip: to do this 'post' try PostMan: https://www.getpostman.com/
Try to do a post to http://localhost:3001/api/message/alt
With the following form fields
"id": 1,
"roomnr": 1,
"title": "A test message",
"description": "Put some message text in here",
"priority": 1
cUrl example:
curl -X POST --data "roomnr=1&title=A test message&description=Put some message text in here&priority=1" http://localhost:3001/api/message/alt